All Testimonials

We could never have imagined that when my husband was getting upset with you that first day on the actual site that you would be our shining light through all of this. You have saved us so from so much stress and actually made this experience turn out for the best! Thank you ALL so much for everything!

Mr. Migdal's extensive knowledge of law, insurance adjustment, claim preparation, and his excellence at negotiations resulted in KIT collecting from TransAmerica. We are very pleased with The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International and especially Paul Migdal for the very professional job they did.

Matthew S. Pulizzi, Vice President
Kit Manufacturing Company

The harm caused to me and my family due to the insurance company's procrastination and unnecessary harassment has been devastating! The damage done to our business reputation has been extremely painful and costly. Thank you again for all your help. Our company is extremely grateful for the efforts of both you and Mr. Glenister.

Joseph J. Lal, President and CEO
Golden Corral / Ashman Foods
Jaar Foods / Raaj Foods

You and your staff always acted in a professional manner and we truly believe you were always acting in our best interest. Every inquiry was responded to promptly and we were kept informed and involved during the whole process.

You were there for me every step of the way with your relentless pursuit of all aspects of claim.

Kaiser Permanente

With your diligent follow-up, sharp negotiating skills with insurers and assistance in all areas, we feel certain that the potential losses to the company were significantly minimized.

Finance/Chief Financial Officer
Rusty Pelican

Your ability to bring in a team of experts in immediately to hit the ground running made us, and our property owners, feel confident in the choice we made to hire you.

Drew Gibson, Property Manager

Your kindness and consideration of all matters…is very much appreciated. I have told my business office to call you in the future should any of their clients need your help.

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