All Testimonials

You guided me every step of the way through the difficulty process of scoping the damage, identifying the code upgrades, obtaining loss of rents, and applying the insurance policy in a manner to maximize the insurance policy benefit. You negotiated an excellent settlement on the repairs. I was able to recover more than I would have on my own. Thank you. You folks know your stuff.

Steven Levan, Owner/President
Levan Boise Real Estate Holdings, LLC

Not only from a dollar standpoint did you more than earn your fee, you made it possible for me to concentrate my time on the more important job of getting back in business.

Patrick’s Roadhouse

The relief and peace of mind obtained by turning over this battle to experts made any expense worthwhile.

As a family operation that manages and runs all of our properties daily operations we were skeptical to bring in an outsider to assist us in this insurance claim. What we learned quickly is that The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International understood the ins and outs of the entire insurance industry, from the challenges of our individual policy to the steps the insurance company would take through the while process. We can only applaud The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International for their tenacity and expertise in setting forth the issues on the claim and pursuing those issues vigorously to arrange for an unsurpassable settlement.

Ken Crown, the property adjuster for The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International, was extremely knowledgeable and effective in both getting our restaurant rebuilt in a timely manner and securing the necessary funds from the insurance company in order to accomplish this...Chris Glenister, CPA, the forensic accountant for The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International, was creative and persistent in handling of the Business Interruption and Extra Expense claims and our final settlement is a testament to his hard work...We could not have achieved the same results without their help.

Willow Street Brewery

...We liked Steve and Gordon and wanted them to handle everything. But we trusted in their judgment and needless to say, they were right. Although they were always involved, it seemed like everyone on your team was an expert including you, Allison and Chris. You and your firm were very knowledgeable in the handling of our stock claim, Loss of Income coverage and all of the other coverages we didn't even know that we were entitled to under our policy of insurance. I could see how valuable it was and how happy we were to have the expertise to deal with each aspect of our claim. Your efforts to deal with all aspects of our claim allowed us to focus on reopening our business and for that we are truly grateful...

You responded to our call for help in record time, brought with you a team of professionals to immediately start the process of cleaning the sites, supervising the handling of inventories, and ultimately making the process of preparation of the claim more manageable. Your guidance for preparing all the documentation submitted to the insurance company and your active negotiation of settlement of the claim was exemplary.

Kronfli Spundale Mills, Inc.

I think one year to get the money-far, far more than we had ever hoped for-says two things:
1) You are a genius;
2) You are a tenacious genius who kept fighting, even after I had pretty much given up hope, to get Farmers to pay every single penny we had coming to us.
And you got them to do it. I guess the bottom line is that when we met for the first time, and you said, 'This is the situation and this is what we can do for you,' you did everything you said you would-and more. I admired your professionalism as Farmers employed their delaying tactics and lies. Had I had to deal with them personally, I would have eventually either succumbed to stress or brought in lawyers, who would have taken everything Farmers owed us. I figure that even after paying The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International its commission, we still came out at least $40,000 more than we would have without you-plus the fact that you, not I, spent the hours and hours and hours documenting the claim, pointing out to them where they still owed us money, and dealing on a day-to-day basis with people who were at best, ignorant and at worst, dishonest.

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