All Testimonials

I was most impressed by your knowledge and obvious experience with the contractors and the insurance company.

Wawona Frozen Foods

…Looking back, we would not have been able to deal with all the ins and outs of handling many aspects of our fire loss settlement on our own.…Additional damage was claimed and paid in full by the Farmers in the amount of $114,379.15, which represented additional fifty percent of the initial amount of $222,064.37.

The professional manner your firm demonstrated in the skillful preparation and negotiation of our client's claim far exceeded both our and their expectations. The real and personal property documentation was a work of art. Furthermore, The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International's accountant devoted a tremendous amount of time in the research, understanding, and overview of our client's business operations so as to be in a strong and well informed position to best present the business interruption claim. In working with you, Randy, it was obvious that your personal direction and application of the insurance policy provisions, along with your accountant's talent, was a combination that effected a settlement that not only far exceeded our expectations, but was six times the amount the insurance company had reserved for our client's loss.

San Joaquin Valley Dairymen's Association

Time and time again you have proven yourselves to be professionals, experts, and incredible negotiators. Only one thing mattered in this loss; Money. This property was worn down with several years’ worth of maintenance to be completed. The insurance company defiantly attempted to depreciate the damages at an unreasonable rate. Without your assistance I know there is no way we would have recovered the hundreds of thousands of dollars we did.

Dave Chamberlin, Manager

When I hired you, you did everything to make sure I got a great insurance settlement. All I had to do was concentrate on rebuilding and getting my life back in order. You took care and prevented every problem and issue and made this process as easy for me as possible....I am so thrilled with the service I received in the past few months and absolutely amazed at the settlement. In the end, I could have paid three times what I did and it still would have been worth it to hire The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International. Again thank you for making my claim as stress-free as possible and even bigger thanks to you for the awesome settlement.

To our detriment we learned several months later that this adjuster was not at all independent and had in fact been hired and paid for by the insurance company to represent the insurance company’s interests and not ours. We felt that this conflict of interest was contrary to the insurer’s obligations to fairly and honestly handle our claim...I was eventually referred to you...It is too bad we did not retain your services from the onset. The tremendous effort and result that you and your team brought made us realize in hindsight that if we, or any of our family or friends, ever suffer a fire loss it would be foolish to proceed with handling the claim oneself...The initial offer was approximately $500,000. The ultimate recovery, which was more in line with the assessment of damages, was $2.2 Million...The level of expertise you and your staff brought to the table was nothing short of astounding. Your fee was money well spent.

Cameron Razavi
Twin Gardens Management

You were able to recover enough money from the insurance company to rebuild our club and make it better than it was before the fire. After paying your fee, we still had money left over.

Rosen Music Studio

You are a formidable advocate and a valuable friend.

Sydney Kapchan
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