All Testimonials

You enabled us to reach an optimal settlement with our insurance company related to the 7/05 arson fire of our apartment building in Studio City. Your communication with me was excellent and I felt confident that you were on top of the situation from the beginning.

Without your help and that from your competent and professional staff that supported your efforts, I am confident that the outcome would have been devastating to us. We received the settlement that I feel we deserved only through your efforts. As you know, after many years of building a business, to see it totally destroyed in a matter of hours is devastating. More than a sense of security is lost, it is like losing a family member and to re-assemble all the pieces and to be able to put our lives back on track, to you all at The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International, let me say again, THANK YOU.

Western Surplus

You were always accessible and responsive to our needs. The professional manner in which you managed our claim was appreciated by all of us.

I'm not the first person whose business burned to the ground, but I felt like it! In the days that immediately followed I had to make the all-important decision to use a private adjuster or to rely on my insurance company for a fair settlement. I called someone on The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International's reference list, in this case another nightclub owner who had suffered a bad fire six months prior to my loss. I think this was one of the best moves I've ever made in business. That owner recommended Arnie Abramson. Here's why I liked working with Arnie: 1) He was readily available by phone. 2) He gave me clear advice based on his extensive experience. 3) He maximized my settlement to 100% of my policy's limits. 4) He's a nice guy who made this whole process easier.

Wildcat Lounge

Thank you and your staff for the professional and compassionate way in which our claim was brought to a successful conclusion.

Though I have owned several homes, I am not a contractor, and the many ins and outs of construction were somewhat mysterious to me. Since this was my first, and hopefully last fire, I am also unaware of the subtleties of negotiating with a reticent insurance company. These two elements would have made my claim to Safeco a walk in the park for them. It would have left me with tens of thousands of dollars less that I now have recovered, thanks to the diligent work of David Verbits, who was my advocate during this extremely complex process.

As you remember I was very skeptical of hiring The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International on behalf of my client. However, after it was all said and done I can attest to the fact that she probably would not have received the settlement from the insurance company without your help. Just as important as the amount of the settlement was your professionalism. That always counts and is some what difficult to find these days. You made my job very easy and my client very happy.

As soon as The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International assembled their team, and began their investigations, it was evident that we shared the same priorities, interests, securities, and vision…a successful claim! We don’t have enough words to express, the dedication, determination, techniques, and the experience they set forth for us. We avoided litigation, additional stress, and left everything in the hands of competent and skilled professionals. Within 2 weeks we began to see remarkable results in the advancement of our claim, shortly after tremendous hard work, investigations, research, reports, and meeting we obtained confirmation of settlement partial settlement. The value that The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International has, can’t be labeled with a dollar sign, they’re value is far beyond that!!

Miriam E. Flores, Administrative Assistant
La Perla Tapatia
1896 of 2430