All Testimonials

...Your policy evaluation, accurate measurement of the loss, and claim negotiations on our behalf enabled us to concentrate on our business while your expedited our settlement and secured maximum recovery for our firm...Your evaluation of our stock and improvements and betterments damage was very detailed. Additionally, your in-house accountants used our business income/extra expense coverage sagaciously, which allowed us to use the insurance proceeds to relocate to a more desirable retail location.

Murry's Family of Fine Foods

There is little doubt that we would not have been able to achieve the level of expertise that your firm provided not to mention the patience shown by you and your staff. Without the representation of your firm, we would have had difficulty satisfying the issues concerning the claim on the business loss income portion of our policy. The final claim paid by the insurance company was 25% more than what they wanted to settle on.

Wallace Foods, Inc.

You promptly inventoried our losses at your expense. The engineers and contractors who you hired gave their estimates promptly enabling you to produce documents proving the extent of our losses…Thank you again for bringing what would have been an impossible task to a quick and smooth conclusion…And then doing more.

Linda Rush & William A. Rush, M.D., F.A.C.S
The Good Samaritan Medical Group

Arnie was able to recover money owed to me from State Farm Insurance that I could not have gotten back on my own...As the Founder and President of one of the largest footwear companies in the world - I know a great business when I see it.

To our detriment we learned several months later that this adjuster was not at all independent and had in fact been hired and paid for by the insurance company to represent the insurance company’s interests and not ours. We felt that this conflict of interest was contrary to the insurer’s obligations to fairly and honestly handle our claim...I was eventually referred to you...It is too bad we did not retain your services from the onset. The tremendous effort and result that you and your team brought made us realize in hindsight that if we, or any of our family or friends, ever suffer a fire loss it would be foolish to proceed with handling the claim oneself...The initial offer was approximately $500,000. The ultimate recovery, which was more in line with the assessment of damages, was $2.2 Million...The level of expertise you and your staff brought to the table was nothing short of astounding. Your fee was money well spent.

Cameron Razavi
Twin Gardens Management

Your assistance in dealing with our insurance claim was invaluable…You were there when we called and you got the job done.

Larry Walker, Managing Editor
Wines & Vines

We would like to formally thank the ‘team’ for the successful resolution of this large fire loss…your efforts in negotiating the settlement have brought this matter to an excellent resolution.

Frankly, Jeanne was initially unhappy with the decision to hire a Public Adjuster. She felt we should be able to trust our insurance company to do right by us. However, they proceeded to jump right in and justify our action…Frank has effectively guided us through the settlement process, and has handled all the direct negotiations with the insurance company. This has left us free to devote all our energies to the rebuilding design and details, as well as putting the rest of our lives back together. It is, of course, very difficult to place a dollar value on your representation of us…My guess at this point is that Frank secured for us a settlement in excess of what we would have accepted of about 3 times the amount of the fee which we will have paid The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International.

R. C. Wentworth
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