All Testimonials

We sincerely appreciate your skills and efforts in navigating us through all the problems and hurdles that the insurance company threw our way. First, you were instrumental in dealing with the tenants and their displacement. Second, your claim strategy and game plan for the mitigation efforts were well thought out and crafted towards a speedy recovery. Third, the team of experts you retained, including your construction consultant was a tremendous asset to our eventual settlement. Fourth, your interaction with our lender and diligence in following up to get their attorneys on track with our recovery was extremely helpful. Finally, the skills you and your team employed in negotiating with our insurance company and its army of consultants and adjusters resulted in a policy limits resolution.

Gastineau Apartments, LLC

It would have been much more difficult to handle the claim myself, even though I am an attorney who is relatively familiar with insurance and real property law.

The claim involved complex accounting and coverage issues and was not an easy one to handle by any means. Words are hard to come by to describe how pleased I am with the service of your firm.

Loans R Us

Throughout this protracted and hard fought claim, you distinguished yourself with honesty, tenacity, creativity, and flexibility. I look forward to the next time we can work together.

I was most impressed by your knowledge and obvious experience with the contractors and the insurance company.

Wawona Frozen Foods

…as our claim moved forward with State Farm Insurance, it became clear to us that we were in over our heads and in desperate need of some assistance…the team at The Greenspan Co. / Adjusters International had the expertise to maximize the recovery of our destroyed personal property items. There is no doubt in our minds that we had underestimated the time it has taken to resolve the claims portion we are handling ourselves. In respect, I wish we had hired The Greenspan Co. / Adjusters International to handle our entire claim.

...Your skilled team of experienced adjusters and accountants immediately sorted through a voluminous amount of our financial records. You accurately defined the economic impact of this incident to include every detail of our compensable extra expenses and related labor and material efficiencies. We were able to maintain our production/shipment schedule and Adjusters International was able to identify income/extra expense losses that were overlooked by all other parties involved. Through the great detail and negotiating skills of your firm, we were able to expedite a settlement, which was absolutely in accordance with your documentation.

We sought Public Adjuster referrals from our business associates and attorneys, which led to your company, and so we requested your assistance with this claim. I think the thing we were most impressed with was the level of detail your team had to go into in order to counteract the arguments being made by the insurance company’s adjuster. We could never have done this ourselves despite our development and construction backgrounds.

Casa De Vallejo Housing Partners LP
1912 of 2430