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The State Bar had a fire loss on October 5, 1986 in Los Angeles... The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International was highly recommended and we engaged them to be our representative. The fire loss was originally estimated at $500-600,000. It has been settled at over $1 million. It is only due to The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International's diligence, attention to detail and motivation to represent the client's best interest that the amount collected reached this mark.

The State Bar of California

Prior to this I didn't know what an 'adjuster' was but I'm glad you came along. Your help has been outstanding, knowledgeable, and professional. You know what buttons to push, when and how hard to push and I'd be lost without your counsel and direction.

From the beginning it was clear the insurance company and its relentless process was going to consume my entire life. We were overwhelmed with the insurer’s endless questions and stall tactics. We needed money to make repairs. And the insurance company was under-cutting everything. They also tried to push us to use their ‘preferred’ contractors whom they claimed would take care of everything. We felt that this was a conflict of interest that our insurance adjuster should not have advocated if he was concerned about us. At times it seemed as if they were speaking a foreign language and didn’t care about our family…Every penny spent on fees to your company was worth it. I could never have recovered enough to rebuild our lives without you.

It was very reassuring to know that someone was in our corner - willing and able to look past the mess, explain our rights and ensure that the best was being made out of a very bad situation.

Mosser Companies

We are very pleased, and happy, with the results.

We have been involved in real estate and property management for many years and property damage is a day to day fact of our business. Prior to this fire loss, we had no idea that experts such as your company could assist us in maneuvering through the maze of technicalities and red tape to recover sufficient insurance dollars to pay for our losses. There is no question in our minds that your involvement assured us that our Victorian would be restored exactly as it was prior to the fire and not in a patched manner that the insurance company insisted upon. Further, your expertise defeated the myriad problems that the insurance company brought up regarding our existing policy and the resulting dollar recovery more than paid for your fee.

Merchant Realtors

The services we received and the aggressive negotiation on our behalf brought us full and complete payment from a reluctant and resistant insurance company in short order.

I didn't know what a public adjuster was...I was really ignorant of just how substantial my losses were and would have settled for a fraction of the settlement you were able to negotiate. The professionalism and the resulting settlement of my claim makes it a pleasure to recommend The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International.

Golden Galleon, Inc.
1936 of 2430