All Testimonials

Without the expertise of the The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International's team, Sonic Industries would have been hard pressed to reach a fair settlement. Her expert organization and the detail policy interpretation set up our course of action; her perseverance and personal compilation of our inventory documentation and MRB records proved invaluable in passing the audit examination. Above all, identifying each and every 'extra' expense secured a more favorable settlement. These are just a few of the examples of the truly professional work done by The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International in preparing our claim and in our personal meetings as to the status of the claim throughout the process.

Ed Thorn, President
Joe McCord, Controller
Sonic Industries, Inc.

Thank you for the expertise exhibited by you and your staff for the handling and settlement of our Studio City store fire loss and business interruption claims. The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International saved Strouds many hours by doing the research and calculations required. Your follow-up and negotiation proficiency proved to be valuable for settling our claims with the insurance company.

Linda McNamara, Controller

You were always accessible and responsive to our needs. The professional manner in which you managed our claim was appreciated by all of us.

Hello Big Sur and Highlands neighbors, as alumni of the Pfeiffer 2013 fire where we lost our then home, we want you to know what made a huge difference after the fact. There is a category of a public company called “Public Adjuster”. Your public adjuster works for you and without ours we never would have come out financially whole and that includes their fee, which is a % of what they get back for you. They are amazing, doggedly persistent and do not stop until the job is done. We lost our home to a wild fire in Big Sur. We NEVER could have achieved the recovery they did because they know how the process works. So many things the insurance company never tells you! They are more than worth every penny of their fees. A way to think of this is if you get sued or have a legal problem you hire a lawyer to work for you as the person suing you or whatever company you have a problem for CERTAINLY has a lawyer working for/defending their interests. This is what The Greenspan Co./ Adjusters International does for you. Yes, the insurance company assigns a claim adjuster to your case but they are NOT your advocate… they work for the insurance company. So, it makes sense any way you look at it!

We were recommended to your firm by a colleague of mine who also is in the Property Management business. You had handled several claims for him prior to our loss to his satisfaction. We too are very pleased with results you were able to achieve and the substantial increase in the amount of money we received for our loss. In addition, your firm was able to achieve a timely settlement and allowed us to get our apartment up and running again quickly.

Paielli Realty

Your professionalism, caring attitude, attention to our needs and attention to detail have made a tremendous difference to our peace of mind during the time we were immersed in getting our lives back in order. We were also delighted with the final amount of money you were able to obtain on our behalf. We're convinced that had we tried to do the same on our own, we wouldn't have been able to work out anything near the kind of settlement that you have.

Lynn Deegan

When the fire hit last year it had a devastating affect on us. Still in shock, we initially were reluctant to hire the services of an outside public adjuster to help us in settling our claim. We were concerned to lose a portion of whatever little money we would get from the insurance company to an agency that requested a share of all our proceeds once the claim would get settled. As it turned out, the best decision we made in the midst of chaos, was to hire The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International. In the end, you were indispensable to us in dealing with the insurance company. Not only was your commission hard earned and well deserved, but without a shadow of a doubt do I know, that the final settlement amount would have been far less had it not been for your involvement and participation in the overall process.

Manfred Grafenhorst, Business Manager
Morgan Browning Financial Group

I can not thank you enough for making this so much easier.

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