All Testimonials

Your efforts were invaluable to our staying in business over the last year.

Sayeh Incorporation
Prestigio Men's Store

I can recall the day that you met with us to describe your services, which involved a niche practice that I never realized existed prior to our casualty loss. After having gone through the process, I want to let you know that Richard Tanitsky and Chris Glenister did an extremely thorough, professional and tenacious job to assist Stomp, Inc. in processing our various components of our claim with The Hartford. Their understanding of the issues involved and knowing when to get other professionals involved served us very well in the long run. I sincerely appreciate the job done by your company. It has been a pleasure working with competent, talented insurance adjusters.

The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International saved Sundance many hours by doing the necessary research and calculations. Your follow up and negotiation adeptness proved to be invaluable for settling our claims with the insurance company. It was through your abilities and aggressive approach to the Insurer that we recovered the maximum amount due us under our policies. The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International is amongst the best in ability, professionalism and reasonable approach in resolving difficult matters.

You were able to get us the maximum allowable on our flood insurance policies and 80% more than our cost to rebuild on the wind damage policies.

I knew I would not be able to continue conducting my business and at the same time try to decipher the inch thick insurance policy booklet, so I took a chance. It was the best chance I ever took…The Greenspan Co. / Adjusters International are bulldogs in getting the best settlement possible for their clients…They saved my business and my sanity.

Aunt Cynthia’s Bed & Breakfast Inn

Your attitude and performance made the whole experience less stressful than it otherwise could have been. At all times, we felt that you were there with us and that you had our interest at heart when it came to negotiating with the insurance adjuster.

Infinity Property Management Company

I cannot thank you enough for the wonderful job you and your team did in presenting my claim to the insurance carrier! After the devastating Boles fire in September 2014, all you want is for your life to return to normal. With The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International’s help, you increased my dwelling claim by 40% and obtained policy limits on my additional coverages i.e. personal property, other structures, and trees, plants, and shrubs. I would have never been able to accomplish this on my own.

Working with you and your staff made me realize that I would not have been as successful dealing with the insurance company alone. The process of settling an insurance claim was far more complex than I ever imagined. You are your staff provided the expertise needed to settle my claim equitably.

Yukimura's, Inc.
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