All Testimonials

From the time you became involved as our adjuster, our claim was prepared and presented in an expeditious manner concluding with a most favorable settlement from our Insurer. In addition to your entire staff responding in a warm and friendly manner, they were at all times efficient and responsive to our every need.

Berry's Sawmill, Inc.

...When the mill was destroyed by fire, a consultant to the milling industry and a person we had trust in, recommended we meet with you. He spoke of past positive experiences and suggested that we not go it alone. His advice turned out to be right…You carefully and successfully argued that our buildings, because of the ways in which they were connected, should be considered as “one”, thereby reducing any penalties we would incur. You controlled the scope on the equipment and, as such, clearly were able to negotiate the best outcome on our behalf. You successfully argued for increased costs of construction, and were able to collect them in our behalf, due to codes, in spite of our insurer’s attempts to deny us any payments under this policy extension. And lastly, you made sure that we collected for every single coverage that our policy afforded under our business interruption and extra expense coverage’s….In conclusion, it’s very clear that with you on our team, we collected millions more in payments than we would have without you. You allowed us the valuable time and resources for us to focus on redesign and reconstruction, allowing us to reopen our doors and again become the largest employer in Weaverville. Due to your efforts, a community was saved. You followed through on everything you promised.

Trinity River Lumber Company

It was a true pleasure working with you and your company in this affair and your prompt attention to the myriad details, aggressive pursuit of the appropriate settlement with State Farm, and efficient paperwork made a troublesome fire damage much easier for me to manage.

From the very start you gave me a sense of relief that my serious problems would be dealt with conscientiously, and the results leave me impressed, and most appreciative.

The professional and efficient manner in which you handled this claim was one of the major reasons for the successful result.

Since I am a person who seldom minces words, I believe that the best compliment I can give you is that though I hope never have to use your services ever, but in the event I need a service like yours, I would call you first.

Robert R. Jong, Vice President/Chief
Financial Officer
Pelican Properties, Inc.

Thanks to your great work and responsiveness, the experience was much more bearable. I really appreciate the professionalism with which you handled our case. I especially appreciate the fact that you kept me informed every step of the way. This type of customer care is seldom seen nowadays.

The Bridal Outlet

We just didn't know what to do or where to begin. We were apprehensive of using your Company's services because we had no idea what a Public Insurance Adjuster was. On the other hand, trying to clean up the shop (a soggy disaster area), keep the business operating and handle the insurance claim ourselves, was a grim prospect. Choosing to use your services, however, was the best choice we ever made. Your fee was well earned by your thorough presentation and very satisfactory settlement with our Insurance Company. The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International not only took over the job of inventory and organization, but also handled everything regarding the insurance claim, relieving us of those responsibilities so we could continue our printing operation. In addition, through your experience and expertise, you recovered a large loss of income settlement when we were sure, after talking with the Company Adjuster, that no business interruption would be payable under our policy.

Boardman Print Center
1984 of 2430