All Testimonials

Within hours of retaining your firm your staff of construction consultants were on site to help us quantify the extent of the damage and coordinate agreement of the emergency measures underway with our insurer… You successfully negotiated generous repair and cleaning allowances for the machinery that was exposed to the effects of the explosion and weather to reduce and eliminate the risk of potential future problems such as corrosion and keep manufacturer’s warranties intact… Through a thorough review of our operations and financial claim, your team of internal forensic accountants successfully identified and demonstrated this loss by developing a model that measured and supported that loss of opportunity and allowed us to recover appropriately. Your work allowed for measurement and compensation for our true cost of our loss of income… Your expert interpretation of the policy language to identify the available coverage and ensure all covered aspects of the loss were investigated and made part of the claim if appropriate. Your personnel dealt professionally with the insurance company and their plethora of hired experts, which clearly helped to secure settlement that was fair for all involved.

Director of Risk Management
York International Corporation

In today's business environment it is extremely important that when you procure the services of a company to expedite matters with respect to insurance, that the company act fast. Your company went above and beyond, with its handling of my claim.

Gallanis Enterprises Inc.

...number of weeks after the fire, I met with Paul. Paul indicated that he thought that your firm could help but even if you couldn’t, you would set me in the right direction. His honesty and sincerity struck me and so I agreed to retain your firm. The settlement you negotiated was at least 50 percent better than the offer that I had on the table from the insurance company. Additionally, you got your inventory crew to put together my claim and ultimately you settled that portion as well…Randy, both you and Paul were very professional and prompt. The telephone stopped ringing entirely. I was able to take care of my mother and go on with my life without ever worrying at all about my house.

Had we not engaged your services, I am sure our insurance company would have most probably only paid less than half of what your firm recovered for us…What could have been a horrible nightmare has truly been a pleasurable experience!

You immediately assembled a team of professionals from Adjusters International to counteract the army of consultants that the insurance company brought on the claim. Your construction team and engineering reference were tremendous assets. The carrier initially offered approximately $700,000 to settle the matter. The settlement of $1.2 Million that you ultimately got was more in line with what the proper measure of my loss was. You did such a great job that both my Property Manager and my Bank felt that next time any of their clients suffered such a situation they knew to call you and Adjusters International…For the price the result that you achieved was tremendous.

After the fire that burned our 60 year old family business, the first thing we were told by our insurance company was not to speak to any private adjusters. Luckily, we did not take this advice. I am an expert in my business but when it came to insurance settlements, I was out of my element. The moment we engaged your firm, our level of confidence rose dramatically. You and your associates were able to make sense of a very complex claim and achieve an extremely equitable settlement.

John S. Hartz

Your firm's analytical effort and professional presentation during final negotiation were most critical in our receiving a multi-million dollar final settlement.

David Zembo, Controller
CMC Coast Metal Craft

You and your company have done an outstanding job in assisting me with my multi-million dollar fire claims. Your expertise, aggressive approach, and results have exceeded my expectations, and I am very appreciative.

Myron Zimmerman
1330 Broadway Company
1992 of 2430