All Testimonials

After the fire... Our family was at lost and very confused with what our next step would be. Many different adjusting companies had come to us with many guarantees and promises... We chose The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International because of their reliability and their reputation... Our family highly recommends The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International, who will work quickly and efficiently to help you get what you deserve from your insurance company.

I want you to know that from the morning that Jerry Fleischman came into my smoldering store, both you and he have made what could have been trauma and real losses into an acceptable position for my company…Without your expertise in preparing and presenting our loss and damages, to the insurance company, we would not have received such a satisfactory settlement.

Paul Migdal and Chris Glenister virtually took over the handling of our claim. They reviewed our policies, set up meetings with our insurance company, and began to quantify our losses. This allowed us to focus our efforts on rebuilding our facilities, getting our production line running again, and trying to retain our customer, rather than having to spend all our time handling the filing of an insurance claim. Without the assistance and guidance of these professionals, I am sure we would have never received a fair settlement. Having gone through this experience, I am confident that no company should ever attempt to handle their own claim without the expertise of Paul Migdal, Chris Glenister and The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International team.

Consolidated Fiber Glass Products Co.

I sat at a table and watched as you literally put money back into our pockets. There was language in our policy I would never have been able to interpret and I would or could have lost those benefits.

You immediately assembled a team of experts to counter the insurance company and their hired guns. I sincerely appreciate you settling the loss in a very timely manner and always looking out for my interests...Your fee of 10% of the insurance recovery was money well spent.

Anthony Azevedo

Our family recently went through a devastatingly large fire loss that left only the foundation standing. My brother was burned and our home destroyed. It was the worst day in our lives. No one expects for something like this to happen to them, but it can happen, and it did for us. When I first spoke with Ken I was very impressed with his professionalism and experience. He was direct and honest about our claim and thoroughly explained the claims process. We knew it would be long and tedious, but trusted that Ken and his team would do the job. Ken’s constant updates and aggressive protection of our interest were instrumental in achieving the highest possible settlement for us. His knowledge, expertise, and negotiation skills were crucial in dealing with our insurance company.

Que en este tiempo tan difícil para nosotros nos ayudaron y guiaron durante todo el proceso. Siempre con la intención de ayudarnos lo más que se pudiera y recuperar todo lo perdido. Con la ayuda de Greenspan Co./Adjusters International pudimos recuperar mucha más que lo que esperábamos.

There was no way I, as the Managing Co-Owner of these buildings, could have handled our claims with Farmers Insurance without the expertise you provided. Our very large losses needed the specific knowledge and expertise you provided in knowing the proper procedures and approaches to take with the insurance adjusters and their managers…Ours was an example of the classic good business relationship, where there was mutual benefit combined with mutual trust and respect.

Northridge Properties

I especially appreciated your total commitment to do each and every action item you said you would do in a professional and timely fashion. I believe your professionalism, skill and service resulted in my getting a much better settlement than I would have achieved on my own.

Mattress Factory
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