All Testimonials

Trying to run a business in the aftermath of a disaster is a nightmare in every way. It is comforting to know someone can handle such situations with confidence and expertise, which is of enormous help to a business operator who is simply trying to keep afloat and run things normally.

Zelko Cecic-Karuzic, Owner
Zelco Cabinet Mfg.

The claim involved buildings, equipment, inventories, business interruption and extra expense. Your knowledge and interpretation of our insurance policy helped us to gather the information needed for you to organize and prepare the claim. Your experience in preparing and negotiating the claim added value and expedited settlement. This arrangement allowed us to be involved in the claim and to be kept current on all developments, without disruption of business.

Marshall Durbin Companies

Early in the process the owner was apprehensive about hiring a consultant to work the claim on their behalf. They thought, like I once thought, the insurance company was looking out for the owners’ best interests. It’s clear now that I have been through this several times; the friendliness of an insurance company diminishes as the amount of damage increases.

Thunderbird Villas

It was due to your expertise, dedication, and perseverance that the insurance company had to agree to pay more than $200,000 above the original offer. We are also convinced that without your help, we would not have been able to receive the maximum compensation for the loss of the contents of our house… We have been deeply impressed by the amount of your detailed correspondence with the insurance company, the number of phone calls, prompt responses to our inquiries, and personal visits involved in this process. Our East Coast friend, a lawyer specializing in insurance cases, who monitored your correspondence with State Farm, told us how much he admired your work and felt that, besides providing technical expertise, it was on a par with the best legal help we could get.

Stanislav Grof, MD

Most importantly, Apartment & Condominium Concepts Unlimited, Inc. has recovered more insurance money for their clients through the efforts of Adjusters International than we ever would have been able to collect had we tried to adjust the claims ourselves through the Adjusters of the individual insurance carriers. The time which your personnel have spent with my Property Managers in dealing with very sensitive issues has been greatly appreciated.

Apartment & Condominium Concepts
Unlimited, Inc.

The knowledge, compassion and ability to unfold and resolve the numerous issues was recognized and appreciated.

...Your policy evaluation, accurate measurement of the loss, and claim negotiations on our behalf enabled us to concentrate on our business while your expedited our settlement and secured maximum recovery for our firm...Your evaluation of our stock and improvements and betterments damage was very detailed. Additionally, your in-house accountants used our business income/extra expense coverage sagaciously, which allowed us to use the insurance proceeds to relocate to a more desirable retail location.

Murry's Family of Fine Foods

...we turned to the experts at Adjusters International to represent our interests with the insurance company.

American Capital Group
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