All Testimonials

You were thorough and competent, as well as highly skilled at the job required…You maintained a focus, pursued the claim vigorously, advised us of the appropriate strategies to maximize our return, and helped us to prepare the essential data with which we were able to argue our position…Your stock in trade was supposed to be knowledge of Insurance Industry procedures, methods for structuring a claim to maximize return, negotiating skills and a good sense of timing. All of these you exhibited, while making it as easy as possible for us to carry out our role, consistent with the final objective of reaching the best settlement.

Keith and Jan Gunn

You were on the scene immediately both assuaging our concerns and dealing with our emotions and fears. Although I started the process myself, I clearly could not get it done in an expedient manner or in the manner which you handled our loss. You handled our loss professionally, expediently and with great care, constantly keeping us in the loop of important information… You negotiated a settlement that was exceptional and allowed us to rebuild the project in the manner that it should have been.

Jeff Katofsky
JD Market Acquisitions

Your efforts handling all the aspects involving inventory recovery and valuation, emergency construction and repair, replacement valuation, and negotiations with our carrier were tremendous. David, you proved beyond any shadow of doubt, that had we not contracted for The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International's invaluable service, we would have lost an enormous sum of money, time and energy.

We recovered all the costs on the business interruption claim and repairs of the equipment caused by the electric outage. If you personally were not involved in this claim, NTS would not have been able to recover what we did, since the insurance company's position was that the electrical outage was an act of God and not covered by the policy. The position you took with the insurance company was clearly brilliant and they backed off their non-coverage position with only a small battle.

Financial Officer
National Technical Systems, Inc.

Your expertise, industry knowledge and dedication made all of the difference. I still find it hard to believe that we did not notice damage at this property until you pointed it out. Nearly 2 million dollars in recovery later, we understand how your expertise is invaluable.

Union Hills Estates Glendale, LLC

We’ve always been lead to believe in our insurance company, so we felt sure they would have our best interests in mind during this process. We quickly learned otherwise. We desperately needed help and that help came from The Greenspan Co. / Adjusters International. Our worries, concerns and fears were quickly put to rest when they became our adversaries and I, personally, felt the huge weight of the situation was lifted off my shoulders…Before this experience we did not know The Greenspan Co. / Adjusters International, nor did we know that there is help of this nature available. The Greenspan Co. / Adjusters International delivered on its promise and we will always be grateful for their help.

Waunelle C. Nunes Trust

My Victorian apartment on Haight Street in San Francisco recently had a devastating fire. The insurance company hired somebody that they called an independent adjuster. This individual stated that he would represent my best interests and that retaining a public adjuster was not necessary. I am glad I made the decision to hire The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International. When the insurance company tried to low ball the claim by hiring engineers and even a lawyer, you and your team were right there by my side fighting back. I would have easily suffered additional losses had it not been for your experience, skill, and The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International’s reputation. I was able to recover well in excess of the insurance company’s initial offer, which was far more than what I could have recovered on my own.

Were it not for the obvious experience and individual care which we received during that troubled time it is quite possible we would not be in business today.

The Cabinet Company, LLC
2080 of 2430