All Testimonials

Neasi-Weber International's headquarters are only a few blocks from the epicenter of the January 17, 1994 Northridge earthquake. The damage to our facility was so severe that we were forced to relocate our offices for a period of six months. We incurred both personal property and business interruption claims as a result. We also quickly learned that our insurer had a different perspective of evaluating our loss than the reality of the occurrence. Gary, your expertise brought about a settlement that we believe was advantageous to Neasi-Weber International. We were particularly pleased that considerable time and effort was spent understanding our organization and business before action was taken on our behalf.

Neasi-Weber International

You demonstrated professional excellence in overcoming the insurance company objections and delays allowing for a quick recovery of my property. The property has never looked better and we here owe you and The Greenspan Company / Adjusters International thanks for your involvement and great service.
Your knowledge of insurance claims has again helped our client recover their loss and get them back in business as quickly as possible.

I realize that I couldn’t do this myself.

We wish to express our appreciation for the highly efficient manner in which you handled the claim and for obtaining for us an equitable settlement. Not the least of the benefit of your service was the fact that at a time when we had so many other problems to settle because of the fire, we were not required to engage in the tedious process of compiling the data for the claim and negotiating a settlement.

Campbell Enterprises

The issues involved in our fire loss were quite complex. You and your staff walked us through the details and were instrumental in helping us secure a fair and reasonable settlement.

California Quality Plastics, Inc.

Our insurance company was initially non-responsive; however, with the assistance of Mr. Abramson our claim was resolved quickly and successfully.

Vista Realty Advisors/Vista Affordable Housing Corporation

Immediately after the fire was contained, I called our insurance agent…but he was too busy to come to inspect the damage that day…Enter Mr. Ken Crown. We have found Mr. Ken Crown to be a very sincere and honest person. I realize now that his stamina and diligence in accomplishment were beyond expectation. Ken is very knowledgeable about his profession and he was most helpful.

Your mastery of the numbers as well as the provisions of the agreement contributed greatly to our success in dealing with the insurance company. Even though the obstacles were numerous and sometimes challenging, we were able to prevail with your help…Your ability to see around corners and come up with truly creative approaches was a very significant factor in our success…Many thanks for your enthusiastic support.

Thomas Nix Distributor, Inc.
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