...The damages sustained due to Hurricanes Katrina and Wilma where substantial and it affected all our business process and it threatened our very own existence. In cases like this it is quite a challenge to sort out what to do net in the recovery process and in addition one gets to experiment in a completely new arena: Insurance Claim. After trying my hand at it for a couple of months, it became obvious that it was not my calling or, the time to learn it. In seeking a Public Adjusting firm, we interviewed several of them and only one, The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International, seemed to fit my needs. I was looking at a total service company that could have not only the insurance knowledge, but also the understanding of the legal, accounting and engineering side of my business. The wisdom of my decision became obvious on the very first week of your company's engagement. The constant calls to and from the insurance company ceased immediately and I could concentrate on rebuilding my business. By improving communications and speaking the same language with our Insurers, expediting their requested documents, facilitating inspections, the work of Paul Migdal, Chris Glenister and Jim Warren, translated into a steady flow of cash and a good and courteous relationship with the Insurers. A very complex set of claims that included Crop, Crop Income, business income, structures, excess loss, machinery, personal property, etc, was worked on and settled in 7 months to my complete satisfaction and with a minimal amount of my time and that of my staff.