All Testimonials

Last year when the fire occurred at my rental property, I thought the insurance company would just pay me and I would have the repairs made. Soon it became apparent the insurance company was going to drag their feet and were not going to pay me enough to make the repairs and necessary code upgrades. Thanks to your expert handling of my insurance claim, we were able to settle with the insurance company for two and half times the amount they were originally offering us.

From the onset of our claim it was very obvious the Insurance Company's adjusters were minimizing our recovery and not properly assessing the damage of our custom home, which was totally destroyed as a result of the forest fire. You and your team of experts properly assessed the damage and submitted the claim reflecting the proper costs and damages and successfully negotiated a fair and equitable settlement for us. Your fee in excess of $100,000 was well earned and certainly fair considering the fact had we not engaged your services, the Insurance Company would have most probably only paid less than half of what your firm recovered on our behalf.

Without the expertise of the The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International's team, Sonic Industries would have been hard pressed to reach a fair settlement. Her expert organization and the detail policy interpretation set up our course of action; her perseverance and personal compilation of our inventory documentation and MRB records proved invaluable in passing the audit examination. Above all, identifying each and every 'extra' expense secured a more favorable settlement. These are just a few of the examples of the truly professional work done by The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International in preparing our claim and in our personal meetings as to the status of the claim throughout the process.

Ed Thorn, President
Joe McCord, Controller
Sonic Industries, Inc.

When the fire hit last year it had a devastating affect on us. Still in shock, we initially were reluctant to hire the services of an outside public adjuster to help us in settling our claim. We were concerned to lose a portion of whatever little money we would get from the insurance company to an agency that requested a share of all our proceeds once the claim would get settled. As it turned out, the best decision we made in the midst of chaos, was to hire The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International. In the end, you were indispensable to us in dealing with the insurance company. Not only was your commission hard earned and well deserved, but without a shadow of a doubt do I know, that the final settlement amount would have been far less had it not been for your involvement and participation in the overall process.

Manfred Grafenhorst, Business Manager
Morgan Browning Financial Group

This was a difficult case because a question arose as whether any coverage did in fact exist. Your agent, Gary Johnson, achieved a recognition by the insurance company of liability and in addition an excellent settlement of the damage involved - by a careful analysis.

Deauville Properties

Thanks to Mr. Elkman's guidance, support and calming influence, I was able to cope with the job of re-building my company. It's difficult to watch such a very large part of your life go up in smoke. Trying to cope with the fire, employee concerns, cleaning up debris, living up to financial commitments and fighting with the insurance company was far more stress than I needed in my life.

Fourth Dimension Work Systems, Inc.

I can recall the day that you met with us to describe your services, which involved a niche practice that I never realized existed prior to our casualty loss. After having gone through the process, I want to let you know that Richard Tanitsky and Chris Glenister did an extremely thorough, professional and tenacious job to assist Stomp, Inc. in processing our various components of our claim with The Hartford. Their understanding of the issues involved and knowing when to get other professionals involved served us very well in the long run. I sincerely appreciate the job done by your company. It has been a pleasure working with competent, talented insurance adjusters.

You were a calming presence during an extremely high-tension period in our lives. Every time, and I mean every time, we made a request through you to our insurance company you took it upon yourself to see that the request was granted. Honestly, we were amazed at what you accomplished for us...John Fristoe did a marvelous job of costing out our home and basically throwing his fully substantiated numbers in the face of the ‘experts’ our insurance company brought in to, I believe, undervalue our property…Karl was so very patient as he helped us remember every thimble, garbage can, and fork. Had we not had Karl to jog our memories we would surely have come up tens of thousands of dollars short on our personal property claim...I feel strongly that Dudley and his crew saved us months, if not years, of having to justify our claims in dealing with our insurance company.

Phil & Patty Kropelnicki
Newport Plumbing Company
2112 of 2430