All Testimonials

The investigation and settlement of the claim was done in a timely manner as not to lose us more valuable time.

G. H. Palmer Associates

The settlement process was arduous and required time and patience by us, but you and your staff guided us skillfully and professionally.

Standard Structures, Inc.

My first mental reaction to Adjusters services was, "Why do I need these guys?" After all I've got insurance for this sort of loss and my agent with the carrier will help me through this problem.

Our insurance carrier took longer than they should have to begin dealing with our claim. It was enough time for me to decide to enlist the services of Adjusters International. They understood our company's insurance policy much better than we did. Adjusters was able to explain to me where our coverage was weak and where they could maximize benefits out of our insurance policy.

At the first meeting with Adjusters and our insurance carrier, I knew we had made the correct decision to hire Adjusters International. They knew how to negotiate our needs under our policy to get the most out of our coverage. Adjusters were able to get more accomplished that I could have done and certainly more than our carrier would have offered.

Our company was able to focus on replacing equipment and getting out business functioning, while Adjusters worked with our insurance carrier on the claim.

Empire Rubber & Supply Co.

Having been a physician for fifty years, and having dealt with innumerable consultants, I regard you and your company as essential consultants for a very complex problem…You represented us in a perfectly professional manner and succeeded in getting us a totally fair settlement of our large claim. You have specialist knowledge in a unique field of economics. I could not have done this by myself.

William S. Neal, M.D.

At first I was doubtful of the need to hire someone to help me get the money that was our due. It was the best business decision we had made in a while.

Gummow Investments

It was a long hard battle, frustrating at times, but your professionalism allowed me to never give up.

Stanley Wood Products, Inc.

It is very rare when one is able to work with someone who is as detailed and professional as you and your firm…I am sure we would not have been as successful as you have been in obtaining fair and equitable compensation from our insurance carrier.

FM Wholesale Quality Meats

We had never heard of an 'insurance adjuster' for a home destroyed by fire, and we didn't know what to do or where to turn…They had answers to all of our questions, they promptly returned our telephone calls, helped us with obtaining proof of our claims for our insurance company and so many other things. Most of all they never allowed us to feel we were alone.

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