All Testimonials

Your dealings with Allstate and California Fairplan always struck me as at once smooth and tough, charming and knowledgeable. And you got results: we ended up with much more money than we would have without you.

“The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International. They are professional, friendly, and will work with you and for you throughout the entire process.”

Ray Moles Farms / Sun Valley Raisins

We are a manufacturer of natural latex rubber gloves for medical and cleanroom industrial use. Our plant here in Thailand had sustained a misfortune caused by flood in September 1995 both on the property damage and business interruption. Through the assistance of Paul and Gary, our financial loss from this misfortune was eventually indemnified by the insurer for nearly US$ 1.6 million which inasmuch represented the loss we had truly suffered. Without them, we can never achieve a fair quantum of indemnification as we had gotten in this instance.

Yoram Hirsch, President and CEO
Sompong Virakananon, General Manager

You came to the aid of Pacific West and myself when we were really between a rock and a hard spot. This was the second fire we had been through; the first fire we had we tried to handle the claim ourselves and that turned out to be a disaster. You billed me fairly and worked with me throughout this whole process, in a very professional diligent manner. These guys [know] what they are doing and are very professional about it.

Your knowledge of the insurance industry helped ease the burden of this tragic loss and your thoroughness insured my receiving full compensation. Your adjusters provided us with the necessary 'tools' needed for quick and professional recovery.

J&R Film Company, Inc.

Working with you was a pleasure and your professionalism was paramount in concluding a difficult negotiating process. Without your help and assistance, I would not be confident that we would have brought the matter to a successful resolution.

We are in the Hotel business, not the fire loss business. The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International is. What they do all day everyday is work with insurance companies and due to their fee structure, it is their best interest to make the settlement offer as large a number as possible. Once the process began, The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International kept us informed as to progress, had lengthy conversations with the insurance company, produced a steady flow of documents for payment, and ended up in the final negotiation with the insurance company for a win-win for our company and The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International...It's no fun hassling directly with an insurance company, you've had enough troubles, you don't need more.

Tenemos nuestro reclamo negociado y nuestra casa casi reparada. Gracias a Eric al final del dia la compania de seguros nos dio 50% mas dinero de lo que habian ofrecido cuando no estaba representada por The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International. Todos fueron profesional y punctual. Estamos encantados de servir como una referencia para los clientes futuros que puede estar contemplando contrar sus servicos El costo de sus servicios es minusculo en comparacion con los resultados. Ustedes hizeron frente a nuestra reclamacion de seguro y salimos recuperando mas dinero de lo que pensabamos. Una vez mas, gracias por todos sus esfuerzos.

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