All Testimonials

I want to thank you for the excellence of your work and the sensitivity in dealing with my anxieties.

Once again I take this opportunity to thank you and your staff at The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International for your devoted service on my behalf. Indeed it has been a pleasure working with you.

You not only collected 40% more than the insurance carrier initially wanted to pay us, but you also convinced the insurance company to pay us the fair rental value for our home (furnished), even though the policy only covered additional living expenses. With the additional monies from the fair rental value payment, we were able to purchase the RV we’ve always wanted!…You more than earned your fee and provided us peace of mind in not having to worry about all the minute details involved in adjusting our claim with the insurance carrier.

American Steel & Stairways, Inc.

As the old adage goes, a company is only as good as its people. From the inception, Bill Greenspan took the lead in selecting a professional team of experts from within his company to evaluate and nitpick our insurance policy, prepare detailed inventory of business and personal property and retained a construction consultant to establish the scope of work and assist in determining the cost of the physical rehabilitation of the fire damaged structure. It would be naïve to assume that the insurance carrier has its client's best interest at heart and is prepared to offer him the optimum settlement for his loss. You need someone like Bill Greenspan and his team of experts on your side to pull for you, to prepare, present and negotiate your claim.

Helmut Jaki, President
Contech Consultants, Inc.

... I know for a fact that without The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International’s involvement that our settlement would have only been a fraction of what is actually was, if anything at all.…Looking back, I now realize that we had nothing to worry about as soon as we hired The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International. We cannot thank you enough. Our tears of sorrow are now tears of joy.

I believe our claim…could not have been settled for the amount you obtained, if we had tried to handle it ourselves. You handled this claim in the most professional manner, and I believe you collected the maximum amount…

Steven Kasten Properties

I was most impressed by your knowledge and obvious experience with the contractors and the insurance company.

Wawona Frozen Foods

At first, I had intended to handle the loss by myself, using our employees. What a mistake that would have been! Luckily, it soon became evident that we had neither the expertise nor the time to effectively handle the loss while continuing to run a business…Your pledge when you approached me was that you would personally 'sift through the rubble' to evaluate the damage from the explosion. This you did, in a manner of speaking, throughout the entire process. Your tirelessness was admirable. Your services invaluable.

Shadowdale Elevators, Inc.

I thought my insurance company would take care of me, to treat me great and pay me enough to rebuild my home and replace my things, like advertising says. However, after briefly dealing with Nationwide Insurance, I realized that was not going to happen…Nationwide tried paying me $144,810 for the damages to my home. Eric diligently and methodically got Nationwide to settle my claim for $225,486. Nationwide then tried to settle my personal property claim for $131,552…Eric and Jenny put together got me $252,939. The Greenspan Co. / Adjusters International delivered on its promise.

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