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Like many people that believe their house insurance will be there for you when you need them, we learned that if you have no experience filing claims, the insurance company will give you whatever is best for them not for you! The Greenspan Co. / Adjusters International was able to maximize every dollar in the loss recovery. We know that we would have not been able to recuperate as much as you did. Without our help, the insurance company would have given us what they pleased. We are happy we hired your services, especially doing the inventory of the thousands of items that we did not even know we had, with your help the whole process was much easier…

As the old adage goes, a company is only as good as its people. From the inception, Bill Greenspan took the lead in selecting a professional team of experts from within his company to evaluate and nitpick our insurance policy, prepare detailed inventory of business and personal property and retained a construction consultant to establish the scope of work and assist in determining the cost of the physical rehabilitation of the fire damaged structure. It would be naïve to assume that the insurance carrier has its client's best interest at heart and is prepared to offer him the optimum settlement for his loss. You need someone like Bill Greenspan and his team of experts on your side to pull for you, to prepare, present and negotiate your claim.

Helmut Jaki, President
Contech Consultants, Inc.

Your efforts handling all the aspects involving inventory recovery and valuation, emergency construction and repair, replacement valuation, and negotiations with our carrier were tremendous. David, you proved beyond any shadow of doubt, that had we not contracted for The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International's invaluable service, we would have lost an enormous sum of money, time and energy.

Unfortunately, I learned that there were companies such as yours well after the disaster which struck us…thus I had worked with the insurance companies directly, at great disadvantage to myself since I'm not in the insurance field, and too late for a contract with your company…The public, in general, is ignorant of the services that a competent public adjuster can render persons traumatized by disaster. We often simply do not know you exist.

In the beginning I thought I could work with my insurance adjuster and handle the fire claim myself. I soon realized that the effort and knowledge required to successfully get a fair settlement was tremendous.

On behalf of General Cigar I want to thank you for your comprehensive and diligent work in helping us settle our insurance claims covering the assets destroyed in the…fire…Especially difficult was the seed claim recovery where a great deal of analysis and persistence was required for this valuable asset.

General Cigar Holdings, Inc.

Of all the financial decisions I have had to make in my life (and there have been plenty), hiring The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International was one of the best.

Norstar Financial & Insurance Services

Your prompt professional handling of our claim resulted in a settlement which we feel is very satisfactory, and I would like to thank you and each of the members of your staff who worked on this claim for us. Your thorough knowledge of the construction process as well as the loss of income coverage was essential to our final settlement.

Norview Marina Associates, Inc.
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