All Testimonials

I want you to know that from the morning that Jerry Fleischman came into my smoldering store, both you and he have made what could have been trauma and real losses into an acceptable position for my company…Without your expertise in preparing and presenting our loss and damages, to the insurance company, we would not have received such a satisfactory settlement.

In the months that followed, it became clear that you are indeed knowledgeable about insurance processes. In addition, you have a keen sense of strategy, and highly effective people skills. You patiently shared your strengths with us and for that we are deeply grateful. We’ve often commented to friends, “When we have our taxes done, we hire a professional”. Now we are in a situation that we have never before experienced, so we are hiring a professional to guide us in our claim… Beyond your expertise, you gave us your friendship. You were always there for us, let us in a window of your own family life and “held our hands” when that was that was most needed.

Fred & Ceil Sharman

Because of your interpretation of our insurance policy we were able to ultimately recover four times what the insurance company valued the damage. Your knowledge of the policy, construction, land development and construction costs 'won the day' for us. This combination of knowledge is unique and few could have helped us as you did.

Odell-Wentz and Associates, L.L.C.

In our continuing effort to identify for you the best supplies, equipment vendors, and service providers, we are pleased to introduce and recommend Adjusters International as the loss consulting/public adjusting endorsed vendor for Preferred Hotel Group...Please consider utilizing the services that Adjusters International provides; guiding you through the confusing and complex world of insurance claims. Adjusters International relieves you of the work, and some of the worry, so you can concentrate on getting your business back to normal.

John Ueberroth / Chariman and CEO / Preferred Hotel Group

The total payment, less the fee The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International clearly earned, makes for a very satisfactory conclusion to this mess...My recommendation of The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International is based on this conclusion: We would never have collected even half the amount finally paid without The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International keeping Farmers Insurance focused on the terms of the policy and reminding them that we were only asking them to do what the policy committed them to do. The final outcome is totally due to the two of you and your assistants who did what was needed by phone, mail, and coming to the property whenever Farmers or I wanted you there...Thanks for all your assistance in settling this claim and for holding Farmers to the letter of their policy. Without firms like The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International to help there would be many more insured who would simply be short-changed. Fortunately, after locating The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International with a web search and getting through on Christmas Day; I am not one of the short-changed!

I would recommend your company to anyone anticipating a complex or large claim with an insurance company. Your staff knows the insurance industry, and understands policy language and will persistently pursue the claim.

We got paid on Friday, and I guess there was still a little bit of doubt in the back of my mind that something might go wrong up until the last minute, especially after seeing how Royal and their ace attorney acted throughout the entire adventure. But, now that is all behind us and it is finally over. We were all impressed by your work and we know that we could have not have finished this claim without you.

Orca Bay Seafoods

They came around when I was feeling so helpless and alone. They came in as if they were family! They were there physically and emotionally. This company did everything first class, from the work, making sure it was done correctly and as much to make sure I was happy.

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