All Testimonials

We are very pleased with the settlement you negotiated for us and the expeditious way in which this matter was handled.

Prestige Property Management, Inc.

As you well know, when you were first hired I took considerable heat from underwriters and brokers. Everyone felt that your presence would only interfere with the claim settlement, especially considering your reputation for being stubborn and hardheaded… Having been through the entire process, there is absolutely no doubt that hiring AI and thus you and Shellie was the best move Southern Pacific made…Not once did you make me feel like we were not on the same team, only that you always had the best interest of me and Southern Pacific in mind.

Director Risk Management
Southern Pacific Lines

I’d never had a large insurance claim before this event and I always trusted that my insurance company would, “do the right thing.” Early in the process, it became apparent to me that the insurance company was looking out for their own best interests over mine. Perusing through their initial offer and scope of repairs was an eye opener. Even as a layperson, I noticed that there were many corners being cut – construction materials that were cheaper than those they were replacing. I was a bit shocked and overwhelmed by these findings and I realized that I needed a professional on my side looking out for my best interests. It was shocking to see the difference in dollar amount between the insurance company’s offer and what we were actually owed, and subsequently collected. Without The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International’s assistance, I honestly would not have had my home returned to even close to its pre-fire condition, or I would’ve had to come out of my own pocket in order to do so. It’s unfortunate that in the world we live in today, that it’s necessary to hire professionals to get insurance companies to hold up to their end of the bargain, but that’s the reality.

Your work in pursuit of their insurance claim was thorough, efficient and obtained favorable results for the Association. Your knowledge of items to look for in this hail claim was most useful.

Professional Management Associates, Inc.

Your professional attitude, and ability to identify with my personal loss has been an enriching experience for me. I had no idea services existed that represented the claimant. Without your help I believe I would not have fully recovered from my loss.

...My insurance broker and attorney suggested that I give you a call indicating that you were really the experts in handling claims adjusting. After 40 years of experience in building development, I've had my fair share of difficult situations. My decision to retain you proved to be prudent and beneficial in every way. You analyzed my insurance policy and strategically formulated my claim to optimize all benefits that could be obtained in my insurance policy. You were tough, disciplined, and focused. I appreciate your persistence, your patience, and your guidance...

Were it not for the assertive stance delivered by The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International to my insurance carrier, I know the outcome would have been far less favorable. Aside from the financial attributes, which I recognize fully recovered the fees for your services, the heretofore unrecognized brutality of the insurance industry was minimized as well... The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International always seemed to have multiple alternatives to offer me, based on extensive experience. In your line of work, experience is what counts.

As you know, we have been developing an extensive retail and commercial development in the City of Sebastopol. The fire occurred during the middle of our project and had the potential to cause tremendous delays…Our investment group had purchased a course of construction insurance policy to help us in the time of such a loss. Regretfully, our insurance adjuster was not an advocate to protect our interests. In fact, to the contrary, his lack of response and help got us tremendously concerned about our recovery…We sincerely appreciate your negotiation skills and the navigation of our claim to a prompt and well thought out settlement of our claim.

Sebastopol Industrial Park, LLC
2208 of 2430