All Testimonials

Right there, amidst the smoke, trauma, and confusion, appeared your representatives… exuding confidence, compassion, and understanding. Taking charge of the situation, they helped us answer many of the questions asked by the Fire Department officers, and gave us many helpful suggestions in adjusting to this new situation…I just want to personally thank all of you for extending your kindness and professionalism to a very needy family. In a chaotic world that anesthetizes feelings of hope, compassion, and sharing in the midst of misfortune, your company and your service came through like a ray of light in the darkness.

In the past, I had never used a public adjuster for losses to my buildings and I can now see the valuable service that your firm offers. The amount of monies that you were able to secure from my insurance carrier far exceeded my expectations of the dollar amount of my loss. Your ability to negotiate with the insurance company with respect to the scope of work that needed to be performed was quite helpful in allowing me to secure the additional dollars that I needed not only to repair the fire damages but to cover the extra costs of code work which is not covered under my policy of insurance.

Sirhed Management

We were 2 months into the claim, exhausted, devastated, and felt abandoned. "Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there" is the motto . If that's the case, we had a horrible neighbor, and they were clearly looking out for number one, and we were not even the negligent party… Please note that we had no intention of using a public adjuster at first, or think that we would need one… We were naïve and thought things would go smoothly.

Standard Management Company operates a portfolio of approximately $300,000,000 of income property located throughout the United States, including apartments, mobile home parks, shopping centers, office buildings, and industrial property. The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International of Los Angeles, California, independent insurance adjusters, has represented us in a number of claims over 30 years. In our experience The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International is competent and well informed and provides a valuable service to insurers who desire independent representation in claims for casualty losses.

Standard Management Co.

Your objective support and helpful information was a valuable contribution…Your intervention made sure that I was treated fairly and our needs were met. I know the settlement would have turned out much more in the favor of the insurance company if your company would not have been involved.

American Mechanical Services of NV, Inc.

From the first person I met, to the principal of the company who was my team leader, The Greenspan Co. / Adjusters International went after our claim aggressively, professionally, and diligently, until we ended up with a settlement that exceeded all expectations.

D.R. Stephens & Company

...we thought we were doing the right things by allowing the insurance company to evaluate and establish our loss. After meeting with Greg and learning about the correct way to evaluate a claim I knew then how much the insurance company had diminished our loss...Immediately after hiring Adjusters International we saw action taken by your and the team of people helping us. We knew then as we do now that we made one of the best financial decisions possible. Your experts acted in our interest and were able to secure an outstanding settlement on our behalf. Your efforts truly paid off and we are still astonished at the $100,000.00 + you were able to negotiate above and beyond the insurance company's initial offer to us...In a world where it seems nothing turns out as good as it sounds you are the exception.

Impulse Media Sales, Inc.

...He was always right on the job, he understood the problems. He is a first class professional. He did what nobody else could do. He came up with the ideas and answers to make a difference.

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