All Testimonials

What was seen as maybe a one page loss inventory by Allstate turned into a 75 page list. This was so well documented with pictures and the receipts that we could find. The end result was so professionally done I believe it did not give much room for Allstate to argue. I think Allstate was just out gunned by The Greenspan Co. / Adjusters International.

You guided me every step of the way through the difficulty process of scoping the damage, identifying the code upgrades, obtaining loss of rents, and applying the insurance policy in a manner to maximize the insurance policy benefit. You negotiated an excellent settlement on the repairs. I was able to recover more than I would have on my own. Thank you. You folks know your stuff.

Steven Levan, Owner/President
Levan Boise Real Estate Holdings, LLC

Thanks to your help I know I received a much better settlement than I would have on my own... At the outset I had only a vague sense of the process; now I am thankful that The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International was with me all the way through negotiations with a difficult lawyer, the initial conversations with the insurance company's adjuster, the detailed item inventory, obtaining good contractor bids, finding appropriate interim housing and obtaining reimbursement for that expense, and even helping me deal with medical claims and a burglary during the rebuilding process... Through discussions with many other people I have also learned that there are (unfortunately) some companies which represent themselves as public insurance adjusters, but who lack your experience, reputation, honesty and commitment... The willingness of your initial contact person to answer all of my questions directly, and to come back several times to talk to me about the process helped me identify differences between The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International and other public insurance adjusters that became important later in the process. In short, it is your company's integrity that has impressed me most... You certainly earned your fee, and I certainly got more than my money's worth.

Joseph R. Trimble

Your company stepped in with quick and timely advice as to what we should do to protect the building from further damage and to protect our rights under the insurance policy. We were concerned with valuation issues, however, through your efforts you were able to make those problems go away. We now know that when a loss occurs we need to deal with the continuation of our business so we let you deal with the many issues of handling the fire claim.

Universal Chiropractic and Nutrition Center

Sin embargo, del momento que su compania se coumnico con nosotros hermos estado sumamente satisfechos con los servicios rendidos que su compania nos proporciono. Yo no puedo empezar a decirle el tiempo y dolor de cabeze que su compania me ha salvado en este tiempo de crisis. Lo que mas me impresiono fue que yo no tuve que hacer mucho en este proceso.

From the moment your company contacted us we have been extremely satisfied with the comprehensive services your company provided us. I can't begin to tell you the time and headache your company has saved me in this already stressful time. What impressed me the most was the fact that I did not have to do much in this whole process.

Retired Businessman

We sought Public Adjuster referrals from our business associates and attorneys, which led to your company, and so we requested your assistance with this claim. I think the thing we were most impressed with was the level of detail your team had to go into in order to counteract the arguments being made by the insurance company’s adjuster. We could never have done this ourselves despite our development and construction backgrounds.

Casa De Vallejo Housing Partners LP

I cannot describe the feeling of coming home after receiving a phone call from my wife saying that 'there's been a fire'…Walking into that charred, smoky, smelly, devastated, soggy mess, looking at the remnants of one's belongings, is one of the worst feelings imaginable. Looking around at all the destroyed items, even knowing (hoping) my insurance would cover it all, created feelings of helplessness and uncertainty. My major question was how am I going to do my job, provide for my family, and deal with all of this? There is only one reason why the ensuing 5 months were bearable: The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International. Scott took control-not of my life, I didn't need that-but of all the interactions between me, my insurance company's adjuster, and the contractor(s)…He kept meticulous notes, always kept us well informed, called periodically to keep us updated as well as when he said he would, offered suggestions, advice and support when it was needed, even if I didn't ask for it. Because of his experience…he was able to anticipate many potential problems and 'head them off at the pass' before they occurred. It is not an exaggeration to say that he continually and energetically went into battle to fight for me and my family.

Your assistance and the competence of your Company relieved us of a tremendous amount of heartache at a time when our lives were in a state of chaos.

Walsh Construction Co., Inc.
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