All Testimonials

From our first meeting he put our minds at ease and gave us confidence that this frustrating episode of dealing with our insurance company could work out in our favor. He was unfailingly calm, cool and collected. He was incredibly knowledgeable and reassuring. He was completely engaged in the process of being our advocate, and not just an agent going through the motions. Very quickly, his thorough follow through and attention to detail earned our faith and trust. He not only met our expectations, but exceeded them. He took care of every challenge that would emerge. He made this difficult process of dealing with the insurance company bearable, and kept it moving along at a good pace.

This letter comes from a senior citizen with many years of experience in support of her remarks. We often speak of 'The Good Old Days.' In light of present-day incompetence and lack of dedication to the job on the part of many, there is more truth than fiction to the remark…Words absolutely fail me in expressing the gratitude for the expertise with which everyone, beginning with the first interview in my home, has worked towards the accomplishment and conclusion of the settlement with the insurance company.

Your familiarity with insurance procedures, wide network of acquaintances in the industry, personal integrity and willingness to work with all four of us has been critical in making this process successful for all…When we had questions, whether legal or otherwise, you found answers. When we needed more information, you got it. There is no doubt that our ability to rebuild our house is due to your hard work in securing a fair settlement…Any relationship includes stresses, disagreements, and frustrations, especially in difficult circumstances; certainly we had our share. But it is to your credit that you 'hung in there' to see this through to completion, all the while continuing to explain to us how these things work and trying to find ways to make the outcome acceptable to all…Your assistance was invaluable, and we thank you for it.

Peggy Bruggman & G.J. Scove

These were absolutely the best worst experiences of our lives. You guided us with ease through the process of becoming whole again and we appreciate you all and the work that you have done for us. Choosing The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International to deal with our insurance company was the best choice that we made personally and professionally and we would make the same decision again.

When we thought Eric would not get anymore, he got more. When we thought Eric was up against a wall, he found a way around it…Never be alone when handling your claim.

We would like to formally thank the ‘team’ for the successful resolution of this large fire loss…your efforts in negotiating the settlement have brought this matter to an excellent resolution.

When a loss of this size occurs one feels at the mercy of the insurance company and the legalese of the language in the policy. Mr. Crown and you simplified all of this and in very plain language got to the bottom line of things and made clear to us just what we were entitled to. To anyone considering your services, we can only say, you certainly earn your fee, not only in the emotional protection you gave us through your vigilant advocacy of our case, but in getting us top dollar in our settlement.

Jill D. Carlino

You immediately assembled a team of experts to counter the insurance company and their hired guns. I sincerely appreciate you settling the loss in a very timely manner and always looking out for my interests...Your fee of 10% of the insurance recovery was money well spent.

Anthony Azevedo
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