All Testimonials

After wasting over two years trying to document and support our claim on our own, our only regret is not bringing The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International on board earlier…The professional negotiating skills of Joe La Brunda were critical in achieving our final settlement at full policy limits…His expertise in reviewing the facts, obtaining meaningful reports, his non-combative presentation, and timing were fundamental in achieving such a settlement.

You did a fantastic job as our advocate. You quickly grasped the nuances of our claim and moved the process forward without delay…You used discretion and judgment in presenting the loss to the insurance company. You knew when to be nice and when to be forceful. You kept us fully informed and answered our questions…A fire loss is difficult in so many ways. Thank you for making this one easier for us both financially and personally.

Your attitude and performance made the whole experience less stressful than it otherwise could have been. At all times, we felt that you were there with us and that you had our interest at heart when it came to negotiating with the insurance adjuster.

Infinity Property Management Company

What is even more amazing is after an incident occurs you realize that you need to hire a company to negotiate with your own insurance company. They act like they are helping you through the process when in fact their goal is to payout the least amount of money possible while still settling the claim.

After the fire there were many complicated issues surrounding our insurance claim. With your help we were able to collect our claim easily from our insurance company and complete the necessary repairs in a timely manner.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the competent and professional manner in which you handled my insurance claim. As you know, I deal with insurance companies all the time in negotiating workers' compensation claims and other claims and I know exactly how they operate in that arena. However, when it comes to adjusting property damages or losses, I have no expertise. You and your firm show me that you have the expertise and I was very favorably impressed by the prompt manner in which the claim was handled and the result that was achieved.

Your efforts in collecting the fire damage from the insurance company proved most helpful and rewarding. You dealt with the insurance company in a most professional manner.

Albee's Discount Appliances

The life of my family was forever changed on the day the wild fire destroyed my 83-year old mother’s home in Wenatchee, Washington in 2015. We met with the insurance adjuster very quickly, but felt completely overwhelmed and lost in the process that stood before us to secure my mother a temporary living situation, begin managing the property cleanup, and claiming processes for both the dwelling and content recovery. We were also uninformed as to how and what to claim for additional living expenses. Although the insurance company was quick to provide immediate financial assistance, clear information on the processes was significantly lacking. We were confused, overwhelmed, and possessed extremely inadequate knowledge and skills in how to proceed with the insurance recovery to assure our benefits were being fairly maximized. It was not long before my mother’s friends referred us to The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International as they were experiencing great relief in having the professional assistance to deal with the many facets of claim recovery following their devastating losses as well.

From our very first meeting with The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International, it very quickly became clear to us how much we needed the highly experienced and professional staff assisting us in every aspect of managing our claim recovery. The processes themselves are so complex and foreign, and in the midst of the emotional, financial, and physical exhaustion following such devastation, what a relief it was to know that the highly professional and competent staff of The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International was leading the way for us. We are extremely grateful for the services provided by The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International and their very competent team. We cannot imagine navigating this process without them.

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