All Testimonials

“…thank you for the wonderful job you performed in the adjustment of our property loss on Judah Street.”

“We are now in a position to have available funds to redevelop the adjoining properties we own at the site. None of this would have resulted without your and The Greenspan Co. / Adjusters International’s expertise.”

Skyline Realty Incorporated

I could have saved myself a year negotiating with the insurance company, had I turned my earthquake claim over earlier to you.

Joe R. Eisaman

We initially thought Farmers Insurance would take care of us; after all, we’d been paying our premiums for years, we knew our agent well and we never had a claim. We quickly realized we were in over our heads and needed professional help. With the experience, professionalism and resources The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International brings to the table, we’d highly recommend them to anyone who has suffered any type of loss as we did.

From the onset of our claim it was very obvious the Insurance Company's adjusters were minimizing our recovery and not properly assessing the damage of our custom home, which was totally destroyed as a result of the forest fire. You and your team of experts properly assessed the damage and submitted the claim reflecting the proper costs and damages and successfully negotiated a fair and equitable settlement for us. Your fee in excess of $100,000 was well earned and certainly fair considering the fact had we not engaged your services, the Insurance Company would have most probably only paid less than half of what your firm recovered on our behalf.

We realized that we did not have the capabilities to deal with the insurance company on our own. It was obvious from the outset that the insurance company was not interested in what was best for us. They were only interested in paying as little as possible. Your expert negotiating abilities and persistent follow up assured the claim would be settled for a fair amount. Thank you for your efforts in bringing about a successful conclusion to our claim.

When our home was destroyed by fire, we were shocked and bewildered as to how to proceed to restore things to the way they were before this fire…We appreciated the skills and experience of The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International's people in knowing how to properly attack this monstrous problem of ours. In particular we appreciated the negotiating skills…and his guidance on how to proceed when we had questions on various details throughout the rebuilding process.

You handled every step of the claim process with great professionalism. While you were dealing with the insurance company we were able to continue our business in a new location. You reduced the pain and headache of this claim greatly and we want to thank you for a job well done.

Top Bargain Center

You made a very difficult situation bearable. You went above and beyond what was required. Not knowing someone or a company that did the jobs you do existed was by far the best surprise. When we first talked with Ken I wasn’t sure I needed a person to help or do most of the work. Had I known, I would never have hesitated.

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