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The most valuable parts of the service included the extensive inventory of the contents and the negotiations with Farmers Insurance regarding supplemental payments for contents and reconstruction. Ken, I cannot express how grateful I am for your patience with me, as I clearly was overwhelmed and mystified by the whole process. You consistently listened to my concerns and then advocated for me, even over things that had already been addressed by Farmer’s…We appreciated the timely manner in which you responded to emails, texts and phone calls. I felt you were offering a service that was available 24/7. There were many times when you returned phone calls in the evenings and on weekends…We also want to express our appreciation to jenny Schultz for her diligence and persistence in combing through the ruins of our house, working with us to identify what might have been in rooms that were reduced to ashes, and then consistently going back over Farmer’s interpretation of of the contents and pointing out their errors and omissions resulting in several thousand dollars more in recovered losses.

We'd like to thank you so very much for getting our insurance claim settled in such a professional and successful way. In all the time it took, you have shown consideration, kindness and great support.

We were overwhelmed by our insurance company and the very aggressive adjuster they assigned. We did not know how to deal with complicated issues such as re-construction, vacancy penalties, and loss of rent. We thought about hiring an attorney to assist with the claims handling. However, we were extremely fortunate to have found your firm to help us. You did a wonderful job! And, the cost of your firm's services was a bargain compared to what we would have paid to the lawyers. Our insurance company hassled us throughout the claim. They attempted to delay settling the claim and reducing the amount needed to re-build the structure...You were always available to answer questions and even contacted us regularly with information and to follow-up. Your commitment and determination proved to us that you were always looking out for our best interests. The fee we paid of almost $60,000 was well earned and a great return on the investment.

We know that your diligence, intuitiveness and gentle prodding enabled us to document our claim in a complete, professional manner…From ashes and total destruction we were able to build our dream home. Our lives have a new beginning with peace and serenity.

He was able to artfully handle the numerous twists and turns in the process, our claim containing some unconventional issues that were not easy to resolve. His self-confidence and reassurance were the qualities most needed at moments when we were the most helpless as well as his tenacity during the long time that it took to complete our complicated claim. I very much appreciate the extra effort that he must have taken to help us land on our feet after this curve ball blindsided my family, and hope that he will be able to help other families who find themselves on such an unexpected detour from their lives.

Shortly, reality started to seep in. I was without a home, without a house, without any semblance of my life prior to the holocaust. Gone were the paintings, watches and record collection, expensive classic modern and antique furniture, and my prized glass collection. Everything! Gone were the valuables, the invaluable, the replaceable and the irreplaceable—gone was a lifetime of collectibles. All had either disappeared in the fire or were part of the charred remains…Over the next several weeks, I put my past and present in the hands of a talented Greenspan Co./Adjusters International adjuster. Over numerous visits to the burned-out remains, she patiently helped me recreate, room-by-room, possession by possession, the entire contents of my home. Sandy was to become my 'guardian angel' during an extremely confused and traumatic period of my life. Not only did The Greenspan Co./ Adjusters International help me produce a meticulous list of my possessions, but also helped establish prices on priceless objects and actual prices on replaceable items lost in the fire. They also referred me to several specialized reconstruction contractors and helped obtain estimates for rebuilding my home. They interfaced with my insurance agent and my insurance carriers, and guided me through the maze of paperwork that follows a tragedy. I now wonder how I would have made it through that period without their calm and professional assistance. Thanks to The Greenspan Co./ Adjusters International's professional thoroughness, I received the maximum dollar amount of my coverage, located a competent reconstruction contractor at a price I could live with, and started to piece my life back together again.

We have always been particularly appreciative of Bill's professionalism. He was responsive to our concerns and always went to pains to ensure that we had the best information available for evaluating our options at critical stages of the process, including obtaining consultations from professionals with specific, relevant expertise. We are confident that his extensive knowledge and concern for our best interests allowed us to make the best representation of our claim. We do not believe that we could have obtained as favorable a settlement had we not had The Greenspan Co./ Adjusters International to represent us.

Neil Osborne

I am speechless and very, very impressed by your actions. You have responded to every single call, you have addressed every single concern, and although we are not quite out of the situation, you sure have helped tremendously. As you probably hear it a lot, a fire is an ordeal for anyone involved, and again we are so grateful to have been directed to Jessica to begin with (who by the way did and does a tremendous job) but also to you who made things easier to understand and deal with.

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