All Testimonials

Many times I would break down into tears over the phone with him…he was always reassuring and confident of the situation. After the emotional strain of having someone burn your house down, it was nice to deal with someone who had a 'heart'.

The services we received and the aggressive negotiation on our behalf brought us full and complete payment from a reluctant and resistant insurance company in short order.

When I think of the potential financial disaster that I found myself in, the day after the fire and what you were able to achieve, I can only say that your performance was a 10 out 10. Your competence and concerns were the only things that gave me hope. This was especially true since I even had attorneys tell me that there was nothing that could be done.

Gilbert D. McCann
Laguna Beach

You and your associates were able to assist us in recreating all the personal property that was in the cottage, as well as being stored underneath. Your ability to reverse State Farm’s 75% depreciation trend to a more reasonable 35% trend secured us monies that we never had planned on receiving. Lastly, your ability to review our building coverage(s) and secure additional areas of coverage that we never realized we had, allowed us to collect a lot more dollars that we would not have received. It certainly pays to have a professional like you on our side.

PowerNet Global Communications

Hats off to you all for a patient, thoughtful and well executed campaign in bringing the carrier and their adjustors to a reasonable meeting of the minds… You are all real pros and it is a pleasure to work with you.

From the onset you brought your building and inventory experts to assist with the preparation of the claim and interface with the insurance company throughout the process. Your attention to detail and knowledge of insurance produced a settlement beyond our expectations and without you we could not have achieved the results your firm realized.

...I know that I would not have been able to negotiate in the same manner as you did to result in a satisfactory settlement.

Everything in my background warned against doing business with a stranger from an industry I had never heard of…A year later, with our home rebuilt, it's obvious that our association with The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International is one of the wisest decisions we ever made.

Former Deputy Chief
San Francisco Police Department
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