All Testimonials

We have great respect for you and your company and your professionalism and quick turnaround from the minute we first picked up the phone to call you and until the last detail of this claim was taken care of. I do not know of anyone else who is so dedicated, professional, skilled, and just so good at what they do as you are. You were always ahead of the game…You have made this nightmare situation a great deal more manageable than had we have attempted to go at it alone.

"Your due diligence and continuin pressure of State Farm paid off...It was a great relief just having you on board as you alleviated a tremendous amount of burden."

Not only did you relieve me of the headache of handling the details and aggravation, but you did a superb job of collecting 100% of my loss.

We’ve always been led to believe in our insurance company, so we felt sure they’d have our best interests in mind; however, we quickly learned otherwise and realized we needed help. Eric’s years of insurance industry experience paid off because he successfully negotiated a settlement that allowed my mother to rebuild, not only part of her home, but her entire home to the manner in which she always wanted. Eric also fought hard to get our insurance company to pay for items they initially did not want to pay for, like the damaged driveway and landscaping. I honestly do not think I would have been able to go through this experience without Eric’s dedication and ability to go above and beyond. Hiring The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International helped reduce my stress in trying to do all this myself. I always felt I had someone to talk to and that someone was fighting for us.

As a professional with a busy career and a family with two young children, I knew I didn’t have a lot of spare time to deal with the insurance company. You provided me with information and direction throughout the claims process. I was very impressed with your expertise and knowledge in your negotiations and it showed as you were able to increase my final settlement amount from my insurance company. You took great care of my claim. Hiring The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International made my life easier and therefore gave me more time to focus on my family and getting our lives back to normal.

...This began a process that we knew nothing about. We had insurance, but neither of us had ever used our policy for anything and did not know where to begin. “…They had guided us and fought the battles that needed to be fought without us having to worry about where to go, what to do, or how will this work. Greenspan is the first phone call we would recommend anyone make when they are in this type of unfortunate situation.

Thank you for everything your company did! I never knew there were people like you until I met Kyle Hensiek. A fire is a scary thing. Especially, when it burns your home and everything in it. The recovery process is so overwhelming. I’m glad I had The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International on my side. Who would have thought of having a handicap ramp installed at our temporary home… only The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International. I am so pleased with the settlement I received.

The in-house inventory specialist worked with us in the tedious preparation of the personal property claims, and subsequent value of every single item in our home. I was relieved to know that everything would be taken care of for me during that stressful time.

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