All Testimonials

With your teams assistance all of my personal property was accurately and fairly inventories and priced for my insurance claim. I would never have been able to complete the detailed physical inventory that The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International team assembled. I could not have asked for more and want to thank you all.

You promptly inventoried our losses at your expense. The engineers and contractors who you hired gave their estimates promptly enabling you to produce documents proving the extent of our losses…Thank you again for bringing what would have been an impossible task to a quick and smooth conclusion…And then doing more.

Linda Rush & William A. Rush, M.D., F.A.C.S
The Good Samaritan Medical Group

From our first meeting I had the utmost of confidence that you would represent my best interests. Throughout the months we worked together, I never doubted your word and you delivered more than you promised. I am thrilled with my settlement and I feel confident that I will be able to completely repair the damage to my home.

Your professionalism, caring attitude, attention to our needs and attention to detail have made a tremendous difference to our peace of mind during the time we were immersed in getting our lives back in order. We were also delighted with the final amount of money you were able to obtain on our behalf. We're convinced that had we tried to do the same on our own, we wouldn't have been able to work out anything near the kind of settlement that you have.

Lynn Deegan

After a discussion with my lawyer, I decided to secure the services that The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International offered…Many things were discovered by The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International that were missed by the initial estimate and provided to me by my insurance company. Most of these were ode improvements and structural issues that had not been addressed in my initial estimate for covered costs. After much contact between myself and The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International, the figure that was arrived at as to bring my home back to livable and legal, was almost 100K above the original estimate had been provided to me from my insurance company.

We initially thought Farmers Insurance would take care of us; after all, we’d been paying our premiums for years, we knew our agent well and we never had a claim. We quickly realized we were in over our heads and needed professional help. With the experience, professionalism and resources The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International brings to the table, we’d highly recommend them to anyone who has suffered any type of loss as we did.

If we had not retained The Greenspan Co. / Adjusters International’s services, we would have spent more time and money fighting our insurance company for fair compensation. Your fees were worth every penny!

…as our claim moved forward with State Farm Insurance, it became clear to us that we were in over our heads and in desperate need of some assistance…the team at The Greenspan Co. / Adjusters International had the expertise to maximize the recovery of our destroyed personal property items. There is no doubt in our minds that we had underestimated the time it has taken to resolve the claims portion we are handling ourselves. In respect, I wish we had hired The Greenspan Co. / Adjusters International to handle our entire claim.

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