All Testimonials

We could never have fully understood our rights under the insurance policy and “come out whole” without your assistance.

Liber’s Luggage

I must say that at first I was uncertain about hiring our own adjusting company, but having had the pleasant experience of working with you has given me the insight as to how very important your assistance was. You presented yourselves in a very professional manner and have been very thorough in compiling information for the insurance company. I am certain that your assistance has not only saved me many hours of labor and frustration but has also saved me many dollars in compiling information which I might have overlooked in determining our actual losses.

Hoffman Paint Co., Inc.

…I have learned very many things during this process and owe it all to you. The entire claims process was much more difficult than I ever imagined. It would not have been possible to achieve the results we got had it not been for The Greenspan Co./ Adjusters International and you. …Throughout the claim, you kept me informed of everything and offered up options we did not know we had available.

World Auto Parts Inc.

Now that our insurance efforts and legal skirmishes are all complete it is time for us to extend some credit for a job well done. We are certain that many people contributed to this program, but we wish to single out one person at The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International who we feel did an outstanding job. That person is Ken Elkman. He clearly believed in what he was doing and he followed through. He always made himself available to discuss the many turns the program took, even when the situation did not appear healthy. Ken was not just positive, but informative as well. It’s a pleasure to deal with people who know what they are doing, who believe in it and can convey that to their clients. In retrospect, we felt that we were well informed and well served.

Braemar North Ranch Homeowners

I sat at a table and watched as you literally put money back into our pockets. There was language in our policy I would never have been able to interpret and I would or could have lost those benefits.

Your company…has provided invaluable leadership in analyzing, assembling and presenting our claim, particularly in the complex area of business interruption. Losses like these are always draining on the resources of an organization, and we appreciate the effort that you have gone through to reduce and/or minimize this impact.

Financial Officer
Boral Industries, Inc.

Not only was the loss of the building and contents a tremendous blow to our educational program, the work in preparing our claim for the insurance company was overwhelming. Without your assistance, we would never have reached a fair and satisfactory settlement with the insurance company…Now, with our final settlement of $2.1 million for the building and contents, or nearly a full $1 million more that we had dared hope for, we are convinced that any school system suffering such a catastrophic loss should make its first phone call to Adjusters International. It was definitely the best step we could have possibly taken.

Concordia Parish School Board

Their integrity is beyond reproach. Without them, we could never have been able to settle the claim, either in our company or the one I was previously with…It was with their complete help and guidance that the claim was settled as amicably and efficiently as possible.

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