All Testimonials

Because you as our representative dealt with the taxing, day-to-day negotiations and arguments, we could begin to try to recover from the trauma. You guided us through problems which often seemed insurmountable.

Wolf von dem Bussche

At all times The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International, and in particular Mr. Paul Migdal, performed in a very professional manner and represented me very well. It really took the load off my shoulders. Also, it was very comforting to know that I was being represented by knowledgeable experts who would see to it that I was fairly treated by the insurance company.

The professional manner your firm demonstrated in the skillful preparation and negotiation of our client's claim far exceeded both our and their expectations. The real and personal property documentation was a work of art. Furthermore, The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International's accountant devoted a tremendous amount of time in the research, understanding, and overview of our client's business operations so as to be in a strong and well informed position to best present the business interruption claim. In working with you, Randy, it was obvious that your personal direction and application of the insurance policy provisions, along with your accountant's talent, was a combination that effected a settlement that not only far exceeded our expectations, but was six times the amount the insurance company had reserved for our client's loss.

San Joaquin Valley Dairymen's Association

The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International's knowledge and expertise in dealing with the insurance companies was invaluable.

Hixson Metal Finishing

Your company was very prompt in accessing my loss and preparing the necessary complete documentation for a speedy insurance recovery. My claim was acted upon in a very timely manner.

Leonard Farms

You were there from day one and that was reassuring. You were very thorough with your investigation and working up our loss. Without your services we never would have been able to make the settlement as quickly and smoothly as it went. It was a relief for us to know that you were handling it and we never had to really become bogged down with the settlement. Thanks to you we were able to put our energy into reconstruction and running our business.

Colleen Gudmundson

His patience and understanding in our particular situation, where twenty families were forced from their homes, was matched by his perseverance and sense of urgency in coming to a satisfactory conclusion.

Fernwood Homeowners Association

The expertise that your firm exhibited during our initial discussions ensured our company that you would be able to achieve a more favorable settlement than we ever could and the results proved that. There was a minimum interruption to our organization while your staff gathered that appropriate information to process the losses which enabled us to concentrate on operating our business. Your firm clearly showed a level of knowledge and skill that proved to us that the choice we made in securing your services was the correct one.

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