All Testimonials

Words cannot express how grateful we are that Dave Droubay was there while the ashes were still smoldering and that he wouldn’t give up on trying to help us, for weeks after I tried to brush him off…Like everyone, we slept well at night knowing we were protected with a large homeowner’s policy. We all hear stories of how badly insurance companies treat their insured during a widespread catastrophic loss, but you never think it would happen to you. Then it does, and you quickly realize your insurance company is not sending over the nice people you see in their commercials, who immediately help you get your life back to where it was before. They are a corporation whose goal is to maximize profits and minimize loss. The truth is that your life will never be the same; and if you leave it to them, they will leave you a shell of your former financial self…We were surprised at the stark contrast between the friendly agent we have known for 7 years, and the claim’s adjuster. We had no idea our agent had zero control, or influence, over anything once a claim is made. The adjuster had zero interest in anything other than saving the company as much money as possible. It is truly every man for himself when there is a loss!...Your experience and knowledge are invaluable. Your compassion, consideration, and attention to detail, have turned what could have been a horrible, charred time in our life, into what could be the best thing that ever happened to us. Having been a funeral director, and helping hundreds of families at what is often the worst point in their life, I know the amount of work and care you put into your job. We are so grateful that you found us, and picked us up.

You are both to be congratulated for demonstrating your expertise in an area that is foreign to us. The completion of the insurance claim with Factory Mutual was highly satisfactory to our company. That is a credit to your hard effort and keen knowledge in this very specialized field.

Superior Industries International, Inc.

Through your calm and very professional handling of the various issues we were finally paid eight times the insurance company's original offer for our building damage and furniture and yard goods loss.


Prior to the Association's hiring your firm to adjust our property claim, Farmers Insurance had offered us a settlement of $12.5 million. We knew this sum was insufficient but we never realized how much until The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International settled our claim within eight months for $27 million. Ken, you were tenacious in dealing with Farmers. You documented all discussions with Farmers personnel, detailed damages down to the penny and left no rock unturned. You kept the Board of Directors informed on a weekly basis, and were of assistance to us in other, related matters as well. Your expertise and that of The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International were invaluable...

John Fochtman, Association President
Rockpointe Homeowners Association Inc.

Most importantly, First Mora School District recovered more insurance monies with your guidance and support than had we decided to resolve the claim ourselves.

Mora Independent Schools

It is my belief that your firm was entirely responsible in recovering the money due to the fire.

As you know, the fire damage at our Fresno High School was extensive in terms of physical impact, costs ($2.3 million) and subsequent issues related to DSA, mold, and ADA concerns. The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International did an admirable job in keeping the claim on track and aggressively pursuing all claim dollars we believed were entitled to us.... As a result of your personal perseverance, ability to decipher reports and preparation of supporting documentation, you were able to fully and accurately present our claim in the most positive manner. Your attention to detail was key in allowing us to secure an additional $900,000 above what was originally estimated for the claim.

Director-Benefits & Risk Management
Fresno Unified School District

We are at the end of the journey and The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International...made the road much easier for us all.

A. Morgan Maree, Jr. and Associates, Inc.
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