All Testimonials

I'm sure if I had handled the claim myself, it would still be in someone's basket, in some office, up on the 25th floor someplace.

Standard Shoe Stores

Please extend my gratitude to Shellie Landa and Chris Glennister for all of the work they put in on this project. Without their number-crunching and understanding of the details, this settlement would still be stalled…Obviously, your negotiating skills and advice to me along the way were key to the ultimate resolution of this claim. It was your advice that helped me finally accept Royal's latest offer.

Village Resorts

When it was initially suggested that we hire an independent loss consultant, I must admit I was skeptical of the need. However, I am convinced beyond all doubt that it was the best decision for the district to retain your services. With everything I had to do regarding the process from the day of the fire to the final occupancy of the rebuilt building, it was always comforting to know that when it came to dealing with the insurance company, all I had to do was pick up the phone and call Adjusters International and it was taken care of in a professional manner. I am convinced that we received a fair and just settlement. In addition our insurance agent was spared the unpleasant task of being the mediator between us and the insurance company.

Oregon City Public Schools

...we began to realize it was our responsibility to present our claim to the insurance company. The tools and resources you used to put together our inventory clearly had a dramatic impact on out claim and we thank you for your diligence.

After you were hired, I no longer had to worry about the claims. Your company handled everything very professionally and the outcome was extremely gratifying-much more than I could have obtained on my own.

Your ability to ferret out proper avenues for claim, some of which we were not even aware, together with your negotiating skills, have been outstanding.

Fred Rosenberg
Barstow Station

Initially when our home suffered a terrible fire, my wife and I thought we can handle the claims process with our insurance company on our own. However, after three months of frustration, we realized we needed help. The entire team at The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International made us felt as if someone really cared after the fire. We wouldn’t have been able to get through the last year and a half without you guys.

As a lawyer, a career labor negotiator and an author of a text on that subject, I thought I was up to the task of working out a settlement with the insurance company that would provide me enough money to do the job. Wow, was I wrong!...I soon realized that the complexity of ascertaining the true cost of construction, putting it in the form that insurance companies were used to looking at (Xactimate), and cajoling the insurance company to open the purse was well beyond my competency and experience… The Greenspan Co. / Adjusters International was able to achieve a settlement with the insurance company that was approximately 75% more than we would have received had we accepted what the insurer originally was willing to pay. We were happy to pay the commission…I learned, after the fact, that the process would have gone even better had we brought The Greenspan Co. / Adjusters International on board from the very beginning rather than after the insurer had made its initial determination of the amount it would pay…When a homeowner or a business owner has to face off with an insurance company without the help of experts, it’s not a fair fight. One needs to have an expert speaking for him or her. These folks are pros. What was particularly interesting to me was that Ken and his team didn’t approach the insurance company in an adversarial way. It was always in a conciliatory and cooperative manner, and it was clear to me that such an approach yielded much better results than a combative or adversarial posture. Moreover, they spoke the same language and understood the same rules as the insurer’s adjuster…We couldn’t have done this without them.

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