All Testimonials

Your organization relieved me of many details and frustrations of what was a new experience for me - and hopefully my last in having my business destroyed by fire…Our accounting records left a lot to be desired as far as organization was concerned…but it was through your company's assistance, persistence and literally helping us to dig out the needed information that we were able to put a claim together. We have come to think of your organization as family.

Interface Aviation, Inc.

Most importantly, Friends of Lubavitch of Florida Inc. a not for profit organization recovered more insurance monies with your guidance and support than had we decided to resolve the claim ourselves which we had attempted. Your unique phased approach created a time frame for us to become extremely comfortable with Adjusters International's and Pat's abilities to represent our organization. Within that period we found your interaction with the accountants coupled with the management of the adjusters allowed for us to submit a comprehensive well-documented claim. I would like to point out that as a not for profit organization our staff are not capable of handling this large of a claim. The services you provide added value and were deserving of the fees.

Friends of Lubavitch of Florida

In particular, we would like to thank both Paul Migdal and Jim Warren for the tenacity and perseverance that they demonstrated while helping us settle our large and cumbersome fire insurance claim. Our claim included both the structure and restaurant equipment resulting in prolonged negotiations with our insurer regarding replacement cost vs. market value, loss of non-conforming zoning use and relentless, non-productive investigations into the cause of the fire. Negotiations that we, the owners, were not prepared to tackle ourselves, either knowledgeably or emotionally. Paul and Jim were able to keep our spirits up while we dealt with the excruciating process of proving our claim, all without the necessity of legal intervention and the added expense of full legal representation.

The Golden Bear Lodge

Your company…has provided invaluable leadership in analyzing, assembling and presenting our claim, particularly in the complex area of business interruption. Losses like these are always draining on the resources of an organization, and we appreciate the effort that you have gone through to reduce and/or minimize this impact.

Financial Officer
Boral Industries, Inc.

Because of yourself and your staff I was able to concentrate on carrying on with business and leave the insurance negotiations and meetings to you. Thanks to your efficiency the building settlement was finalized within just a matter of days and a complete inventory of contents was listed the day after the fire. Your accountant expertly put together the financial information that was needed for the business interruption portion of our coverage…Again thank you and your staff for a most professional, courteous, and prompt execution of a very complicated task.

Vineyard Knolls

As you know, in addition to my background as an investor and developer, I am a lawyer and fairly well-versed in the nuances of insurance coverage and insurance case law. During my career, I have been exposed to some complex insurance matters. This case however, took the prize. It involved extremely complex, multi-layered coverage issues involving fire major property carriers, two E & O carriers, insurance program administrators, and highly technical reconstruction issues and the ultimate settlement was over 300% of the amount that the insurers argued that we were entitled to. Your team were arm-in-arm with the architects, engineers, coverage counsel and the ownership to ensure that the process was driven to a successful conclusion. They were intelligent, experienced and committed to the best result for the client throughout their involvement.

At first we thought we would try to handle the claim on our own…AI was very quick to begin work on our loss recovery program. Their knowledge of insurance plans proved most helpful, as they were able to go through our policies and interpret benefits foreign to our awareness. The result has been a much greater claims realization than we anticipated.

University Baptist Church

Even though I consider myself a prudent Risk Manager, there are so many details that you thought of that we didn't. Your calculation of the business interruption portion of our loss was by far more accurate and advantageous to our bottom line than any number our accounting department came up with…I was especially appreciative of the manner in which you negotiated with the insurance company adjuster. As you know, we have an ongoing relationship with our carriers, and rather than creating an adversarial relationship with Kemper's adjuster, you immediately initiated a 'team' concept, which certainly inured to our benefit.

Nola Grayback, Risk Manager
Rickel Home Centers
856 of 2430