All Testimonials

It was of tantamount importance to me that my home be restored to its original condition as quickly as possible. Your assistance and that of others at The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International enabled my family to move back into our home without significant delays.

DreamWorks and your associates brought an expertise and professionalism that were of invaluable assistance to the association and to me personally in reaching both a speedy and equitable settlement of our loss. The owners at Whalers Cove had a great deal going for them in the aftermath of Iniki; we had the original developer as a homeowner and board member, we had access to both the architect and the contractor. We also had excellent insurance coverage. With all those things going for us, the board was reluctant to seek the assistance of a 'hired gun' like The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International. We had everything we needed except a genuine understanding of how the insurance claim business works. In retrospect, it was probably our impatience more than our wisdom that led us to decide to use your services; it turned out to be the wisest course we could have taken.

Whalers Cove AOAO

You have worked with our church with the utmost professionalism. You have gone beyond the call of duty several times on our behalf. The cost of hiring your company is well worth it... your services have been more than silver or gold... even more than diamonds!!

I was reluctant at first to hire them but thank God that we did. First they were not pushy. They explained to us what their experiences were with the insurance companies. They gave us all available options and gave us time to meet as a church to make our decision. They also encouraged us to call their references in order to verify their work-ethic. Second, the settlement we received from our insurer is three times what they wanted to give us. The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International more than earned their pay. Mr. Kenneth Crown is gentle but firm negotiator. His great knowledge and wealth of experience got us over $800,000.00 that was not part of what our insurance company wanted to give us. Third, The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International was prompt and sensitive in responding to all our concerns. They met with the congregations whenever I wanted them to help explain complicated and technical issues. They responded to our phone calls on time. Our claim, we felt, was given priority. We did not feel that we were one of several claims they were handling.

Pastor, Village Baptist Church

How do you thank the team that has literally changed your life – where do you find the words and how is thank you ever enough? My experience so far exceeded my expectations; I am moved just writing this letter. Every day is less of a challenge for me as I still work through the devastating fire that ultimately resulted in a total loss. My new home is an amazing showcase for this transformation and every day when I walk through it, I am reminded of how we got here and how each of us played a role. Simply put, you guys did a fantastic job!

...We lost 30 units at a brand new 237 unit apartment building two days before it was scheduled to open. It was a devastating setback…Thanks to your expert handling of our insurance claim, we were able to recover almost three times the amount our insurance company originally offered. You and your team were always there advocating on our behalf and navigating the claim through the numerous coverage issues. Your wealth of knowledge was invaluable in helping us get back on our feet. Without your involvement, we would not have recovered as much of our losses as we were with your assistance. Your company’s fee was well-spent on our part and well-earned on yours.

Howick Properties, LLC

...As you know, our insurance carrier sent many mixed and conflicting messages during the process and became increasingly complicated to deal with as our discussions wore on as the scope of repair expanded. It was clear to me early on in our discussions with them that the negotiations would require a significant amount of time and expertise, neither of which I had. Having you take charge of the discussion, especially as they related to revising the scope of repair and mold remediation, turned out to even the playing field. Having your "experts" challenge their "experts" about their repair assumptions and cost estimates helped "keep them honest" and allowed us not to be bulldozed.

I am and for the past five years have been a member of the project's Board of Directors. I am an attorney by training, and for the last ten years have become a real estate asset manager/developer. Other members on our Board include a real estate broker, a major San Francisco South Bay Area construction materials supply executive, an accounting executive, a residential real estate broker, and a paralegal. I have never before had the experience of dealing with a public adjuster, so the whole concept was foreign to me, as it was to our Board. In our Board's initial dealings with the project's insurance carrier, it became apparent early on that we required professional assistance; especially inasmuch as most Board members are absentee owners, and we all owe our association's members the highest fiduciary duty…Professionalism, empathy, consideration, compassion and competence to the nth degree; all at a very trying time. Our Board made the right decision when we hired The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International, and how grateful we all are. I'm a lawyer and as you know, lawyers rarely have good things to say about anyone other than themselves.

Kahala I at Polpu Kai

We had no idea of the complexity and diversity of the process involved in the settlement of a Builder's Risk claim, especially since we were 95 percent complete when the fire occurred, you and your people were able to make sense of our policy, put all the pieces together to make us whole, and put the owner at ease.

Jennison Construction Company
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