All Testimonials

They approached the whole process in a professional and aggressive manner allowing us to rebuild our business in a timely manner and obtain the remuneration we were due in our insurance policy.

Pacific City Builders Supply

Immediately, you and your experienced team of adjusters assumed control of preparing our claims. You visited our plants, learned our business methods, accumulated the necessary data, organized the information, submitted the claims to the insurance company and negotiated a settlement to our satisfaction. You and your team saved us time, aggravation and most importantly, money. Our company recognized its limitations and chose to defer to those with greater expertise in processing insurance claims.

Gleason Corporation

As an out of state property owner it was very important to me that I could trust and count on you to make sure my claim was settled as quickly as possible and with great results. My decision to hire you was one of the best I have ever made. Despite my best efforts to work with the insurance company, they acted reluctant and delayed my settlement at every turn. Upon hiring you and your team, I was confident that your professionalism and concerns met my every need. At every turn you advised me of the process and kept working diligently on my behalf to get a great settlement.

I can't believe the insurance game. These guys smile while they take your premiums-then jab you in the back when you finally need their help the most-after a huge loss. I personally believe that I would have been lucky to get even half of what I did without The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International's help. Plus, it would have taken a lot more time. It was well worth it to have had you and The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International to help me. The extra money I received from insurance far outweighed the well-deserved commission.

...It seems that insurance companies can be impossible when substantial sums of money are at risk...You immediately became the sole interface with our Insurer, which allowed us to focus our energies in recovering from the loss. You created a writer dialogue with the insurer, complied with our technical obligations under the terms of our insurance contract, and created a claim strategy based upon the twin efforts of submitting documented property and earnings claims and "pushing" the Insurer in its investigation of the cause of loss...Based upon Micrel Inc.'s experience with this extremely complex and unique claim, we want to tell you that your performance was outstanding and exceeded our expectations.

It was clear that we had two tasks ahead of us, both of which seemed enormous from our perspective. One was the reconstruction of our facility and the research programs it supported, and the other was the insurance claims that we would have to handle. Fortunately for us, we received a referral to your firm and agreed to retain you. As I look back at all the things the insurance companies tried to do during the adjustment process to avoid paying the claims, I can only imagine how the claims would have been handled had we not had you as our advocate, our ally, and our spokesperson. Your belief in our claim, your unwavering support of our institution, your skills, your tenacity, and your determination clearly inured to our benefit and ultimately fostered a settlement that was beyond our expectations.

Harbor Branch, Oceanographic Institution

You have proven to us to be proficient, skilled, and knowledgeable in your field.

Michael J Hannon, Pres.

Starting from the date of our fire, your office gave us comfort and support and guided us through some problems which developed early and which at the time seemed insurmountable. Your office could not possibly have been more cooperative and understanding especially in the early days after the fire. Certainly our ability to become operational within a short period of time was due in part to your invaluable assistance.

Buchalter, Nemer, Fields,
Chrystie & Younger
904 of 2430