All Testimonials

Looking back at the work you and your firm did to get me top dollar for my insurance claim is not only appreciated but it made a big difference when we started the fire restoration. Adjusters International did everything they said they would do and then some...It was a pleasure to see you hold State Farm Insurance accountable for the full amount of my insurance coverage. The money you charged was worth every penny because you saved me much aggravation, plus you got me such a great settlement. Thank you, thank you!

This was our first project on which a loss had occurred. The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International proved to be beneficial in assisting us in dealing with this loss. The loss...was settled rapidly, and with a minimum amount of work on our part.

Allen L. Bender, Inc.

I never realized the complexity and details that were involved in obtaining a recovery of this magnitude. Mr. Johnson not only addressed all the problems that arose, but took control of structuring the claim to benefit our firm. It is obvious to me that Mr. Johnson is a pure professional in his field in regards to major fire loss claims. The investigation and settlement of the claim was done in a timely manner as not to lose us more valuable time. The actual dollar amount of the recovery is beyond our original expectations. I have no reservations in recommending your firm…

Ray Watt / Mark Humphries
Watt Industries
(Now: Developers Management Services)

I understand from professional and personal experience what a tragedy the loss of one's home can be financially as well as emotionally. I also understand all too well the difficulties as an insured can encounter when dealing with one's own insurance carrier. You quickly learn that the allegiance of the insurance company is to its shareholders, not to its insured. I believed at the time of my fire loss that even with all of my professional experience either my family or my law practice would suffer immeasurably if I tried to adjust the loss myself. I also believed The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International could help me maximize my recovery with the limits of my policy. Now that all is said and done, I am happy to say that I was right. The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International's help and caring made our marriage, and our children's lives, much less stressful than it otherwise would have been. Every person at The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International who worked with us did a professional, top- flight job. I have recommended The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International to a number of friends and clients who have suffered their owns losses over the past five years, and will continue to do so, just like the Tanzer-Frank family who almost thirteen years after you adjusted their loss, still speak of you as a friend more than a business associate.

Kay & Merkle Law Firm

When we had our loss, we were besieged by many companies wanting to represent our interest...As you may recall, I did not initially agree to any representation, but during the early days of recovery it became apparent that I needed to have someone who I could count on to answer questions in my best interest...So with some misgivings, I turned my claim over to The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International...I feel that I have recovered everything for which I was insured. Moreover, I know my recovery would have been substantially less had your company not been involved. Your personal presence as a buffer between my insurance representative and me freed-up my valuable time to devote my efforts to rebuilding. The thoroughness which you personally exhibited and your depth of knowledge of your profession were very gratifying and relieved a great burden of concern and worry during a very critical period.

Tuff-Weld Plaques & Wood Specialties

We could never have fully understood our rights under the insurance policy and “come out whole” without your assistance.

Liber’s Luggage

From the very day of the fire when our commercial property (our retirement income) burned to the ground to the final resolution of our insurance claim, you and your staff worked diligently to make sure Steve and I were compensated to the full value of our insurance policy…Blair provided the support and expertise which calmed a very unexpected and frightening day. Blair explained what the process that would ensue with the fire investigation, the services your company could provide and assured us that, while the fire was a horrible event, we would be able to pick up the pieces and move forward. Blair helped us see a plan of action and a way to effectuate that plan. Thanks to Blair’s prompt arrival, we were able to engage Adjuster’s International the very next day…You and your team provided the expertise to overcome every problem. You and your experts proactively identified issues that needed to be resolved and negotiated with the insurance company on our behalf…You and your entire staff worked diligently for us until the final payment was secured…We know that the final financial settlement was far more than we could ever have achieved or expected if we had tried to handle it ourselves…We wish to use the following terms; professional, knowledgeable, communicative, patient, anticipatory, focused, thorough, prompt, and innovative to describe your relationship with us.

Within a few days of the fire, several public adjusting firms called including The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International applying to represent us. Not having had this type of experience before, and upon having called and met with the insurance company and our attorney, we quickly came to the conclusion we needed help. We chose The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International because of the references and their professional approach. We made the right decision. As important to us as receiving everything possible in the way of dollars, was the fact that we could expend all of our time and effort in building the new mill by having The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International handle the insurance claim.

S & W Seed Company
976 of 2430