All Testimonials

I have handled many fire claims myself, but due to the size and complexity of this loss, we would never have realized the full business interruption, personal property, and building recoveries without your assistance. Also, we realize that our recovery would have been even better if we had enlisted your assistance immediately after the fire and before our management began discussions with our insurance company.

...we turned to the experts at Adjusters International to represent our interests with the insurance company.

Tom Gay, CFO
American Capital Group

I never anticipated your being able to secure such a high settlement, which was more than four times what I expected to get had I negotiated with the insurance company myself. You not only secured much more dollars than I anticipated, but helped alleviate a lot of the burdens that I would have to deal with in dealing with my insurance carrier.

Fred Fahimy, D.D.S., F.A.C.P.

When our RV dealership suffered a fire last year no one could have prepared us for the nightmare that followed. We knew how to run our company. We figured how hard could it be to recover from the fire? Besides, we were insured and thought our insurance company would take care of us. It became apparent very quickly that we were out of our league and needed professional help...We had numerous issues to deal with such as coinsurance, business interruption, extra expenses, and valuation of our building and contents loss. We now know how important it is to hire an expert to help guide through the process and undertake the monumental task of assessing the value of everything lost…Your team was very proactive and professional...We can’t thank you and your team enough for your hard work and dedication.

Rocky Mountain RV & Marine

Steve walked me through the process slowly and patiently and had me realizing that just as I am a craftsman with wood, you are a craftsman with an insurance policy...Sylvia and I wish to thank you for staying on top of our claim, helping and supporting us during this process. Let me not forget to commend the professionalism of your inventory staff.

We found The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International to be competent in all areas, cooperative and of great help at a time when fast action and time consuming negotiations with the insurance company were necessary.

Flexible Plumbertool, Inc.

Prior to your involvement, State Farm Insurance Company had only valued our loss at $134,000.00. Through your efforts, we were able to secure a settlement in excess of $1,000,000.00 in a relatively short period of time. You kept us up to date on the progress of the claim and always returned our phone calls in a prompt manner. Your background and experience were extremely helpful in assisting us in dealing with the contractors and engineers.

Al Becker, President
12841 Woodbridge Homeowners Association

It was clear that we had two tasks ahead of us, both of which seemed enormous from our perspective. One was the reconstruction of our facility and the research programs it supported, and the other was the insurance claims that we would have to handle. Fortunately for us, we received a referral to your firm and agreed to retain you. As I look back at all the things the insurance companies tried to do during the adjustment process to avoid paying the claims, I can only imagine how the claims would have been handled had we not had you as our advocate, our ally, and our spokesperson. Your belief in our claim, your unwavering support of our institution, your skills, your tenacity, and your determination clearly inured to our benefit and ultimately fostered a settlement that was beyond our expectations.

Harbor Branch, Oceanographic Institution
984 of 2430