All Testimonials

Then came the tedious and time-consuming business of dealing with the insurance company for the loss of my building and its contents. I was confident I could handle this claim on my own; everything was an apparent total loss. And as a member of the Senate Committee on Commerce and Labor, which oversees the insurance industry in the state of Nevada, I was certain I would be treated fairly...I finally realized that retaining The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International was in my best interest. I can only express my appreciation for the excellent representation of my interests in this claim by your company.

Nevada Legislature

Your assistance in dealing with our insurance claim was invaluable…You were there when we called and you got the job done.

Larry Walker, Managing Editor
Wines & Vines

I am and for the past five years have been a member of the project's Board of Directors. I am an attorney by training, and for the last ten years have become a real estate asset manager/developer. Other members on our Board include a real estate broker, a major San Francisco South Bay Area construction materials supply executive, an accounting executive, a residential real estate broker, and a paralegal. I have never before had the experience of dealing with a public adjuster, so the whole concept was foreign to me, as it was to our Board. In our Board's initial dealings with the project's insurance carrier, it became apparent early on that we required professional assistance; especially inasmuch as most Board members are absentee owners, and we all owe our association's members the highest fiduciary duty…Professionalism, empathy, consideration, compassion and competence to the nth degree; all at a very trying time. Our Board made the right decision when we hired The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International, and how grateful we all are. I'm a lawyer and as you know, lawyers rarely have good things to say about anyone other than themselves.

Kahala I at Polpu Kai

We consider our settlement to be very good and appreciate the efforts of yourself and other adjusters and estimators who assisted you in the preparation and support of our claim. Your assistance enabled us to settle our claims promptly and in a fair amount.

Dutch Inn Hotel & Casino

When it was initially suggested that we hire an independent loss consultant, I must admit I was skeptical of the need. However, I am convinced beyond all doubt that it was the best decision for the district to retain your services. With everything I had to do regarding the process from the day of the fire to the final occupancy of the rebuilt building, it was always comforting to know that when it came to dealing with the insurance company, all I had to do was pick up the phone and call Adjusters International and it was taken care of in a professional manner. I am convinced that we received a fair and just settlement. In addition our insurance agent was spared the unpleasant task of being the mediator between us and the insurance company.

Oregon City Public Schools

The professionalism and attention to every detail have not only impressed upon us the need for a Public Adjuster, but have confirmed the reputation of The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International as being the experts of the field. The amount and expediency of the settlement not only justified your fee but transformed a disastrous event into merely an inconvenience.

Caldwell Consumer Services, Inc.

It was a true pleasure working with you and your company in this affair and your prompt attention to the myriad details, aggressive pursuit of the appropriate settlement with State Farm, and efficient paperwork made a troublesome fire damage much easier for me to manage.

Thank you for…your tenacity and for the negotiation skills that you employed to obtain for us more than a fair settlement…The substantial settlement check that we received allows us to make the necessary repairs to our building and more than fully fund our reserve account.

901 Tenth Street Homeowners Association
992 of 2430